
[center]I know love exists,
I think it's somewhere in my heart.
And that might be the reason why it's difficult to give it.
Why it's dangerous share it.
It's impossible to give my heart when it's stuck in my body.
You can't simply get inside and take my heart away.
There is only one way to get it.
That way is to cut in my chest.
But if you'd do that,
you would mess with my protection.
And you would hurt me so much,
That you'd lose me.
After I'd die.

Nederlands geschreven
Engels gesproken
One Direction bestaat


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
Proloog - How it all started 369 163 1 decennium geleden
Part 1 - When I met you 743 181 1 decennium geleden
Part 2 - Breaking the walls 1214 115 1 decennium geleden
Part 3 - Trustworthy or not 1006 156 1 decennium geleden

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