what shall you do?
you have no money,
you quit school,
mother is deceased,
your father is still alive but is to the drugs,
so you have no future
but then you meet 2 boys,
bad boys
they said "you need money right?
we have the money for you,
but you have some things to do for us"
shall you do it?
shall you not do it?
Gaby did not hesitate,
she does it.


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
Proloog 834 204 1 decennium geleden
O1 | Zayn J. Malik 583 174 1 decennium geleden
O2 | Gaby S. Trabez 413 176 1 decennium geleden
O3 | Gaby S. trabez 564 196 1 decennium geleden

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