Could You Be My Best Friend?

Just answer the quistions and check if you could be my friend.

Good luck ♥

Mogelijke uitkomsten

Yes (64 x uitgekomen)

Yes, you could be my friend!!
You love music, play an instrument and love Harry Potter.

Maybe... (0 x uitgekomen)

You love music, but don't play an instument?
Or you don't love the same movie...

I like you, but you're not my BEST friend.

No (0 x uitgekomen)

No, you can't be a friend of mine.

You don't love Harry Potter, don't love my music/don't play an instrument.
I'm sorry but you can't be a friend.



Reageer (21)

  • Kjelaney

    Maar ik hou alleen van muziek luisteren.
    De rest intresseert me niet. xd.

    1 decennium geleden

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