BigBang and you?( who's gonna be your boyfriend)

once again no need to explain ;)

Mogelijke uitkomsten

T.O.P (36 x uitgekomen)

Sexy badass T.O.P. With his cold eyed gaze, he'll freeze the blood in your veins. He is BB's second rapper, and has a sexy voice to match his bad boy exterior. On the outside he may look a little intimidating, but once you get to know him you'll find that really he's just a big goof. :)

Taeyang (17 x uitgekomen)

Sweet and shy Taeyang will listen to you vent all your problems to him, and give you great advice in return... he has mad dancing skills, and a sweet serenading voice to go with it. He has one of the hottest bods around, don't let him slip through your fingers. :D

GD/ G-DRAGON (26 x uitgekomen)

Such a sweetie pie!!! GD is the leader of BB, has mad rapping skills, and a killer sense of style to boot! Responsible and a born performer, GD has intense charisma and swagger. Currently he is in love with his puppy, but I'm sure he'll make room for you. ;)

Daesung (24 x uitgekomen)

Daesung is like sunshine on a rainy day. He'll always cheer you up, no matter what mood you are in. Always happy, always smiling, Daesung will always be there for you and love you with all his heart. :)

seungri (71 x uitgekomen)

The maknae of the group, "Strong Baby" will try everything in his power to get your number, even if it takes following you around after school... He's sweet though and will take you shopping or out to eat whenever you want. ^_^



Reageer (18)

  • Vash

    SEUNGRI!! <3

    1 decennium geleden
  • Yayde

    TOP! aaah love top! zijn stem wooow k kan uren naar hem luisteren ^-^

    1 decennium geleden
  • XxPeachxX

    Seungri <3

    1 decennium geleden
  • MyDesire

    leuke quiz!

    1 decennium geleden
  • JustdontKnow


    1 decennium geleden

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