Which Alice nine member are you?

THis is a quiz about the Super Kawaii band Alice nine, weeh
I did this in english so english fans couldt play it 2, Enjoy

Mogelijke uitkomsten

Shou (332 x uitgekomen)

You're Shou!
The Singer of the Band...
Are your vocals good?
I think so!
LOve to hang out with friends, Outgoing and funny... Lol

Hiroto (143 x uitgekomen)

Yosh, Hiroto.
The right Guitarist!
Your the Youngest and smallest of the group.
But that doesnt mean anything.

Tora (114 x uitgekomen)

You're Tora!
The Left Guitarist.
Tora means Tiger...
You're cool and sweet at the same time.
You also like to do crazy stuff.

Saga (95 x uitgekomen)

You're Saga!
The Bassguitarist!
You are cool and love to lick ur bass!
Do u have some noseglasses?
Saga loves them!

Nao (108 x uitgekomen)

You're Nao!
On the Drums.
There is only one word that fits with you.
Food, Lots and lots of food!
Spicy, Sweet, everything.



Reageer (28)

  • Rukihentai

    Ik ben saga 0,o *dies*
    ik wou nog wat zeggen.. maar weet niet meer wat *zucht*
    Wjoesh.. *bored*
    anyway, nice quiz:Y)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Tethan

    Hiroto, =D
    Ik vidn hem het allercutest <33
    Naast Nao xD


    1 decennium geleden
  • Monochrome


    ik heb altijd saga xD

    1 decennium geleden
  • Noah98


    1 decennium geleden
  • Solutioness


    1 decennium geleden

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