Welk liedje is echt MADE TO B PERFECT?

Katy Perry-Last Friday Night (T. G.I.F)

Hot Chelle Rae-Tonight Tonight

Simple Plan-Jetlag

Selena Gomez&TheScript-Who says

Reageer (3)

  • IrishNialler


    6 jaar geleden
  • heleneXmusic

    Tonight tonight. Het is echt 'catchy' !!

    1 decennium geleden
  • SanneLuFDaan

    You got me singing like 'oh oh oh' whatever! 'oh oh oh' doesn't matter. 'oh oh oh' C'mon. 'oh oh oh'. We're going out and tonight tonight. There's a party on the roof top top of the world. Tonight Tonight. And we're dancin' on the edge of the Hollywood sign. I don't know if I'll make it. But watch how good I'll fake it. It's alright alright. Tonight tonight.

    Keep the beet up. Let's keep the beet pumpin'. Keep the beet up. Let's drop the beat down. It's my party. Dance if I want to. We can get crazy. Let it all out. It's. You and me and we're hitting the ground and. You and me and we're breakin' the sound. This is our show. You got me singin' like.

    'lalala' whatever! 'lalala' doesn't matter. 'lalala' all you animals. 'lalala' all you party people.

    lalala lalala

    1 decennium geleden

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