Right or wrong

I'm broken from the inside,
you can't sense it from the outside.
Everybody thinks I'm happy,
that I have no problems.

Everybody is wrong in that way,
there wrong about me.
All the things they think about me,
they hurt me deeply.

They say I'm a boy,
They say I have anorexia.
They don't understand me,
they judge me by my cover.

They don't look further then my outside,
they don't wanna know who I really am.
They spread rumours about me,
rumours that aren't true.

I don't know what to do about it,
it kills me from the inside.
I shouldn't listen to them,
but it's hard to ignore.

They think there awesome,
that they are the best.
I know there not,
but I don't have the strenght to say it.

I feel weak,

I should depend on my friends,
but even there...
Someone ignores me,
even though I thought she was my friend.

I was wrong about things,
and sometimes I was right.
I should only look on the right things,
but you have to make decisions,
weither there right or wrong.

Reageer (3)

  • Phantomhive

    Echt prachtig. And don't worry, alles komt goed.

    1 decennium geleden
  • beyzos90

    je schrijft zo mooi en zoals Velvena zegt ik ben er ook altijd voor je!!

    1 decennium geleden
  • Samphire

    Ik heb echt medelijden met je D:
    Pas maar op, hoor, anders kom ik persoonlijk naar je toe 8D
    Wat gister ook heel vlekkeloos verliep -_-'
    Maar je kan echt met alles bij me terecht, altijd :3

    1 decennium geleden

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