waiting for the words

im waiting for the words i never hear you say,
im waitng for the words, the words for which i pray.
im waiting here alone and dont know for how long,
im waiting for your words but you never say them and it just feels wrong.
i know that you already have someone, but hey, im here too,
and i dont like it but we actually hardly talk on school.
we are in different classes but so is he,
i dont know what you feel but i like the words "we".
i dont know what you think but i know what "we" can be.
i know i would care and huge with so much joy,
i know i would do almost anything but ,yeah, im just a boy.
you still like him i do know that, you told me,
but i wont ask anything in change for it i will do it free.
i just want to be with you and just want to hold,
i just want to watch how all of this unfolds.
i know my poems arent very good,
but i do know that it is all about my mood.
i just want to hear those three little words,
you know what i mean when you read it and maybe you know how it hurts.
it hurts when i say it and you send a stupid little smiley,
i just want to hear you say it and i'll be happy for a while.
i want to be happy cos we have just kissed and stuff,
but i didnt say my life wasnt going to be rough.
im only just 14 and dont know that many things,
i know that there arent only wins.
i guess you're right i mustnt keep looking back,
i just musnt lose that stupid track.
maybe i want to look back and go back in time,
if i could do that everything would be fine.
thats what i think but it isnt what i know,
i just want to move on i just want to go.

this was about a week ago and we had conversations about that,
important things happened and important things were said.
but i still want to hear the three little words "i love you" for you to say,
i want to hear i love you, dont ever go away.

i'll write another poem about the things that happened lately (:
and remember this was about a week ago (:

Reageer (3)

  • Malony

    Heeeel erg mooi :)

    5 jaar geleden
  • ScarsStories

    Super Mooi! Wie wacht en hoopt wordt vaak beloond...!

    1 decennium geleden
  • MrsMustache


    1 decennium geleden

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