|Crazy Clown|

A ripe red apple
Rolls down the hillside
And smashes into tiny bits
A freshly dead blue fish
Swims around the lake
Spitting bubbles, then sinks into the water
The clown tells a strange and fascinating fairy tale,
built up with lies
The frenzied sounds of the accordian,
and the audience splitting their sides with laughter.

Deception takes the form of truth,
and the truth is buried in ash
This performance somehow becomes the norm,
and the pierrot is lost all alone.
You still haven't noticed?
Just look behind you.
Look out, right behind you is...
A blood-splattered crazy clown

Smiling in the darkness
With tears flowing
the clown tells of a land entombed in darkness
The broken orchestra
has not a single member in its audience
The deception becomes true kindness,
and the truth hides behind the smiles

The performance suddenly gets out of hand,
and the pierrot screams alone
I'll bet you've realized it now. Just open your eyes.
Look there, at what you've become Look there,
at what you've always been...
There in the cracked mirror
Smiling through the tears
Looks like you're the crazy clown

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