You don't have feelings.

Yeah, why is my life so messed up?
I can't even remember,
When it all started.
I'm trying to recall it,
But I just don't know.

All I know is that you were the reason,
The reason for everything.
At first I thought you were a wonder,
A new bright light to shine into my life.

But as time started to go on,
I realized some things were just not right.
Yes, you made me happy,
But at the same time you let me cry.

Now, so many tears have already run down my face,
That they've placed an everlasting trail on my cheek.
It's your fault, and you know it,
And I'll never forget the day it ended.

I was a fool to think we could last forever,
A fool to think you really loved me.
You aren't capable of real love,
And that's what truly hurt me.

I pity you, even though you should be the one to pity me,
Not because you are hurt too,
But because you will never get hurt.
You don't know what it is,
To sit up at night and look at the stars,
Wondering why the love of your life put you through so much misery,
Wondering what would happen if you fell down and were crushed.

Believe me, these feelings aren't great,
But I wouldn't want to miss them either.
You may call me weird,
But I'm sure I'm not the only one.

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