
hey, my first poem though so dont judge me too hard (:

i dont have a good beginning or a good end,
i dont remember how it all exactly went.
i dont know what happened on the way to this point that we are,
but i do know that love isn't very far.
it is there when you least expect it and when you don't need it,
but when it is finally there you think, oh shit.
the feeling you have is incredible and so great,
and if you feel it you know love's true face.
you look her in the eyes and say i love you,
she says the same and, man, it feels good.
it feels good when you know someone is there to catch you if you fall,
it feels good to know that you've destroyed the enormous "lonelyness wall".
it feels great to know that you are not alone,
it feels great when you know that the one you love is safely at home.
but most of all i have all these feelings when you are next to me,
all these wonderfull feelings that make me feel so free.
i want to be in your arms and hug you when you're feeling bad,
i want to make you laugh because i hate it to see you sad.
i want to hold you and never let you go,
but i cant because there is something fo' sho'.
it is personal but you wont tell what it is,
i can understand it maybe because you already have someone to kiss.
i just sometimes feel so lonely in my little dark room,
but i always smile a little and go happy again when you are on.
the light from my ipod and texts shine bright on my face,
it is all because im talking to you, about our friendship that you cant erase.
and as i said before i dont have a good beginning or a good end,
but this, this is how my poem went.

that was my first poem on quizlet (: dont be too hard please (:

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