
She can hear the scream right trough the door
She can hear the screams right trough the floor

Their yelling just never stops
And she can even hear how one of there tears drops

She wishes the fighting would come to an end
But it just goes the same as it yesterday went

She can hear the pain and the anger in her sisters voice
She can hear it all not even by choice

She sits there alone in the dark of her room
Nobody hearing her praying alone in this doom

She can't handle the fighting anymore
She cries her eyes out while sitting agains her bedroom door

She can hear the scream of her sister in pain
Her mother had hit her and the scars wil remain

She cries her last tear wich drops on the ground
This was the last bit of amount

She climbes out of the window and runs into the night
Searching for that last bit of light

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