In the Night

The wise man walked through a land of grass
As the night sky turned black
He began to smell a strange gas
And then there was a loud crack

He ran as fast as he can
'The dead, the dead!' screamed the man
The horror began
As the town was soon to be damned.

'They are here, they are here,' the man spoke loudly
'The dead are among us!'
His words were heard widely
But the townsmen began to discuss

'They're childeren of god. They can't harm us!' the lady said.
The town agreed with her
Raised back by god, they can't be a thread?
The man shouted with great concern

As no one listened, he ran up the hills
On the hills he looked down upon the living
As the strange occurrence gave him chills
Soon their lives will be given

Terrifying screams of the soon to be dead
'Us, people of faith, betrayed by God!'
The small river turend red
It was the morning star who applaud

As the sky turned blue
And the sun showed her face
The dead withdrew
Without a trace

There was only one cry
Not a sound from of child
A town dead by there own demise
The man went wild

Angry at god he was
'They may not be smart, but they were your children!''
The man shouted further in the air: 'This was your cause!'
Although god was not the one to blame, he had become the villain

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