Just another strange love poem by me

That nonchalant smile and dreamy eyes,
The spoken words, nothing but wise.

I think about it everyday,
His side is where I want to stay.

Reminding how his voice sounded like,.. it gives me a warm feeling,
Everything about him is so appealing

Loving dreams and fantasies flash in my mind
But at the end, I'm worrying if it is his love that I will find.

That angelic man, who I cherish so much.. might have forgotten me already
At first, when I realized I might not be the who I hoped to be felt deadly.

Knowing he is living his life in pure agony, trying to keep me out,
Keeps everything to himself, in his hideout.

But when he finds me again, I will be there, I will be there till the end, like a real friend.
He can have my shoulders to cry on, he has me, his friend to depend on.

But I am still here, in the dark, just like him, longing for him.
Waiting to leave the darkness, together,

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