Snow Is A Beast

Snow is a beast
that will tear you down.
It seems like nothing
when it snows in town.
But when you go out
and are met with its stare
you'll soon realise
you need to beware!

'Cause the snow rolls
across the ground.
It grabs your legs
and throws you down.
It's like a volcano eruption
one of the few
it seems innocent
but then it goes screw!

You should know the beast
know it flaws
because this fearsome foe
knows only one law:
the strongest win
the weakest die
that's just how it goes
when you hear it's cry!

You shouldn't go out
just stay inside
it would do you good
if this advice was applied!
I'll end this beat
with one last line:
the beast's at its strongest
under the moonshine!

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