Blue eyed man

Blue eyed man,

What is going on, what is the meaning of this?

It is you what’s in my mind, it’s you what I miss.

The kiss,

Did It mean something to you?
To me it means the world, but do you even have a clue?

Will these moments never come back?
My heart was once black,

Until you came along with your bright shining eyes,
Now after you had me, will you break all our ties?

What did I do wrong?
What a dumb question, in the dark I belong.

I am not good enough, I know,
Please don’t play with my heart, don’t pull me back from the shadow

Still, I wonder what your actual thoughts are,
You were so close to me, but at the same time, so far..

Is the demon on my shoulder speaking the truth, is he right?
You kissing me, you holding me so tight,

Was it all a mistake? An act?
Was it actual love which you have troubles with to expres, or am I a lust object?

Not knowing what I mean to you makes me feel so weak,
It is only your truth that I seek.

Don’t let me wait any longer…

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