
My soul,
burned by the hellish fire,
turns black like charcoal
as I helplessly watch
the flow descending
and swallowing all life.

There is no light left,
only darkness,
for the empire of smoke
has driven away my only sun.

I cast my gaze to the ground
whilst I feel all my sins
all my mistakes
all my doubts
dropping on my body
like a rain of pumice.

I can't take this anymore.
What's the point of resisting?
This is what happens to the worthless...
Just end me already!

Thoughts surge up
like vapor from magma.
Even my inner silence is gone...

I make a last stand
as the flow finally reaches me.
Come at me, pyroclastic god,
And fight me!

...As I helplessly watch
the god descending
and creating new life.

Reageer (1)

  • Duendes

    Woah, het is echt wel goed! Wauwwauwwauw! Je kan echt goed Engels tho

    7 jaar geleden

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