Moony, I saw you shining this morning

Moony, I saw you shining this morning
You were so full and bright.
And it made me happy,
My heart was filled with delight

Moony, I saw you shining this morning
And I thought of you
I suppose you're all happy up there
Even if you're a friend or a foe

Moony, I saw you shining this morning
And I felt so alone
Because you left me too early
I couldn't even mourn

Moony, I saw you shining this morning
And I wanted to ask of you
Could you send everyone my love
And some hugs and kisses too?

Moony, I saw you shining this morning
And it made me wonder
Won't you stay
Just a little longer?

Moony, I saw you shining this morning
You were so full and bright
And it made me a little sad
Because you are the reason I fight

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