My Love

On the southern hemisphere
the Sun waltzes in his Winter palace
with my love

Lost in fog
I wander in
London’s streets

And all his light
he uses to guide
her steps
My love

A beggar’s cold face
appears, a frozen mouth
laughter and cry

Cause all his warmth
keeps her so close
wanting more
My love

he took it all
I end on a bridge
crossing the Thames

Oh, with all his grandeur
he charms so well
keeps her from me
oh, my love

The black water
slowly moves
beneath my feet
It knows I’ll jump

She giggles
my heart beats
so fast
he has her
oh he has her
my love
but I have purpose

The Thames,
it doesn’t shine
it doesn’t waltz
but my love
I bet it takes me south
to winter’s palace

Reageer (2)

  • Value

    ik kan dit niet meer aan serieus

    7 jaar geleden
  • Papiliones

    Heel mooi en warm!

    7 jaar geleden

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