

“Hello from the other side” Adele sang,
and she sang again “Hello from the outside”,
That’s more my side of this story
“Hello… How are you….?”

It’s so complicated to combine two worlds,
so different, so not look like each other,
but both so important to me

I can’t understand you, and so the other way around,
“Hello from the other side”, it’s most of the time
But not in this beautiful language, but in another one
Another language so hard to learn, so hard to understand

It’s incredible hard,
I love both worlds, both parts
I can’t choose a side
But I know when I’m with the other I miss it here
And again, the other way around, I am missing it over there

“Hello from the outside…!” That’s how I feel when I’m talking with you
It’s not about the love or the changes
But Its about how I cannot combine them
I cannot be in both at the same time

“I must’ve called a thousand times”
I really want to, but I can’t
It’s so hard, I can’t understand
And you don’t get why I’m talking like an idiot
Like a three year old.

It’s so typical of me to run away from this
I want to learn everything to understand you
So I can communicate with you
But life got me like….

‘I’m too busy’ is my excuse for everything
And I already regret it, and I know it’ll be more by the years
I’m sorry…

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