
It hurts, it hurts an awful lot...

At first it feels like your heart has being ripped from your chest and ever bit of air has been sucked from your lungs. You can hardly breathe, but crying works.
And when they left, they left you with a biting void, a void you think no one could ever fill ever again.
You keep wondering if that one person was your shot at true happiness, and you wonder if you'll ever feel the same way about someone else.
You think could've stopped it. Even if you couldn't do shit, you still feel guilt..
And not being able to do anything feels even worse.
Every fucking time you fall in love with someone else, you feel that guilt again,
guilt of going on with your life, while they're not here anymore...

The more time passing by, the easier it gets, except on a few dates...
e.g. birthday, first kiss, the day when they died, ...

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