» mistaken.

Hi, it's me again - I hope you listen closely to the words I wrote with a simple pen.
It has been a while, a while since the two of us shared a thourough conversation,
I know I told you countles times, that the smile you've carved onto my face was one of your best creations.
But let me wind the clock back a little, to recap the moment you stepped into my life.
Without me knowing you became absolutely smitten,
yet I don't think I was ready for this change to arrive.
The first words you spoke were comforting, you managed to reassure the hidden person I kept within.
It was inevitable for us to became caught in a fierce friendship, the kind I already had lost faith in.

When I look back at how it used to be, I regret answering your feelings with the ones I kept inside of me.
Appearently realizing what I really felt took to much time, and before I knew it I found myself asking why?
You held another girl in your arms, and pressed your lips onto another one's.
I must admit I cursed myself and regretted being way too complex.
Ever since what we had was no longer the same, and don't you worry, I know I was the one to blame.
Instead of acting mature, I wished you all the best, and forever walked out that door.
Trust me, in the end I saw the mistake I made, but to tell you the truth, maybe I was just afraid.

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