Dead End

She always seemed to be a happy girl, with a smile from ear to ear.
She looked like herself, and she laughed so hard, she made sure that everybody could hear.
How she was happy and not afraid.
But when she was alone, there was only fear. And she didn't want everybody to hear.
So she cried, in the darkness, in her room. While she was thinking about how nobody could see, that she wasn't happy.
So one day she sneaked from home, to a big tree.
She had a rope in her hands, and blood dripping down her wrist.
She knew this was the last decision she had to make.
So she climbed up, and hang her rope. Counted down from three, and made sure nobody could see.
Took her last breath, and let herself slip out of the tree.
She felt the rope tight around her neck, as everything slowly turned into black.
She knew there was no turning back.

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