Stop for just one second

Think about all the people you've secretly had a crush on. All the people you've found attractive, but never said anything to. Every stranger you've temporarily fallen in love with on public transportation. All the people you've dreamt of and thought of in the early mornings.
And now take a moment to realize that you have been this person for so many people... And you have no idea.

Do you guys realize we can change our lives any time we want. Like you can just go ahead and delete your blog, stop eating meat, shave your head, start running, tell that person you hate why you hate them so much, confess your love to someone and kiss them unexpectedly. Like why don't we do that?

If you are not being treated with the love and respect you deserve, check your "Price Tag". Perhaps you've marked yourself down. It's YOU that determines what your worth by what you accept. Get off the "Clearance Rack" and get behind the glass case where "Valuables" are kept. Botom line, "Value" yourself more

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