Don't be afraid

Don’t be afraid

They wanna fight
They are dangerous
They want to scare you

They have a drug
They want you to perform
But you don’t do it

You’re afraid for the death
You would not go away
You don’t want to die

They say something
But you don’t understand it
They yell at you

you're more afraid now
but they wanna help you
you can't believe

there is somebody
It is a men, he speak English to you
You can understand him

He ask you, “why are you so afraid?”
You say: I don't want to die
But we wanna help you

You look sick
We will give you a drug
Because you will feel better than

I appreciate your confidence
Nothing can happen
You’re safe with me

I will bring you back
I know where you come from
I just know it
Jump on my back
I’ll take you home
In all weathers

I’ll warm you up
I’ll educate you
I will ask you on the road:

What you do with your past ?
What you have experienced ?
And how you got here ?

I want to know
I can help you
I live there for

I go through the fire
I go through the water
I want to help

I want to help everyone
I want to help everyone I can help
Sometimes it is too late…

But not usually !
I stand on
I do it

I put everything aside
In order to ensure that it can still be
And that I can help lives

I’m sure
I don’t think
I do it

It is my passion
My will
My work

I’m not afraid
And though, I’m sure
I will not know me

I do everything
To help someone…
To communicate with someone…

To give someone food
To give someone a place to sleep
I give my life for someone

If not?
I will die
It was all for nothing

I’m sure
This is my work
Help people in need

People with no roof over their heads
People with no or little food
People with bad water

I help
I’m a soldier
That’s my job

I fight
I run
I help

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