Gay ass love poem
gay ass love poem
Dragged in the unknown
You left me here, alone..
Living in this shadow
Without you.. What am I?
My heart still cries...
Without you, my dear..
I am nothing, should I die?
I never wanted to feel love..
Never believed in the magical powers from above..
I gave you a chance,
My life made finally sence.
You teached me, what love is,
You drowned the pain away, with a simple smile, or kiss.
Your touch, your lips..
Your arms around me, is what I still miss
I regret the moment we end,
when you left me forever..
Will you ever be mine again?
No.. Never, that is your answer.
That moment you walked away from me,
I just wish... We could do it over..
I would run after you, and I just wouldn't let you go.
'I love you' that's what I would say, and show.
Fighting for our love, that's what we should have done
For you, ending it was the best option.. And now, my love..
You are gone.
Bewildered, I stood there.
Left alone, while tears met the ground we were walking on
I couldn't believe it..
My love, my only reason to life,
just walked away..
But I still think about you,
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