to our baby bro

Hello little one!
When you will read this, you will probably be older then you are now.
( I mean, you are a baby right now, ofcourse you will be older when you read this)
And I'd still call you little one, even you will be taller then me.
Well, you know I like talking and writing English and poems so I hope you will understand a little haha.
I used to make so much fun of our big bro in English. Yeah I know. Mean...
But hey, I was just a kid.
Just kidding, it was a month ago ;')

Dear Little One,
as your brother and sister, it is our job to protect you,
We'll do a good job, because Sahil bhai knows Kung-fu

Being a sister means, being a second mom.
Now you know where all your awesomeness came from

Me and your bro have to learn you, that you don't have to be scared
Don't worry, before you were born, we were already prepaired.

were are going to watch a load of horrormovies together
listen to punkrock and metal and buy you spike bracelets

You will be the coolest kid at school,
because now, you are the coolest baby we've ever seen
and you will also be a handsome teen (just like me HAHA)

Don't break too many hearts,
and when you will have your first date,
please don't fart

Little bro,
You are a piece of art!
It doesn't matter what you'll break, you will always be everyone's little sweetheart.

we love you very very much and we are really proud,
and when you are not around, we miss you alot, and think about you every day
Everytime the weekend starts, we are very happy to see you, and we can play

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