Inspired by William Shakespeare

His words open the gates of my heart
Music lets my soul breath
He waiting for me with open arms,
receiving me as a gift
Placed in his heart, filling up the emptyness
that has haunted him for so long
Wishpering in my ear
'Your beauty has kept me amazed,
when you speak words of kindness,
I swear you sing a song only my heart can hear.'
Oh never ending, we'll be together for many years
I feel honored to stand beside you
in your strong and weak days
Both trapped in a century we can not call ours
Standing hand in hand, at the edge of life
Souls find eachother in the most desperate times
They who say this is not real
Never saw love awaken in flesh and bones
They don't know how this feels
Your heart unwillingly placed in another one's hand
giving them the power to destroy you or be with them 'till the end

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