That mask on her face

She seems like she has it all together, doesn't she? That lovely smile she puts on for all of you, makes it seems so real doesn't it? Do you honestly think she's happy because she's forced a smile on that face of hers? Can't you see that look in her eyes? You can tell she cried herself to sleep once again. She's tired, so very tired. Do you have any idea why she always wears a long sleeved top? Or the fact that she's so insecure she doesn't know what to do with herself anymore? She can laugh throughout the day and pretend to be everything she wishes to be but at night, she cries like never before. She doesn't want to be here anymore, she used to have a purpose, well at least she thought she did. Now she thinks she's nothing. Worthless. Ugly. She will never be good enough. All those words everybody blurted out to her, those words she tried so hard to ignore but cut deep into her skin over, words hurt. Why can't you see she's had enough? She used to be happy, she never had to fake a smile or pretend throughout the day and now it's al she seems to be doing. She has to really try and be happy when really she's dying inside. No one knows and no one will know. Can I ask you one thing; do you understand what it's like to wake up every morning and to hate yourself so much you don't want to be alive anymore?

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