my eyes are closed but I still see all

My eyes are closed, but I still see all
The soft sleep steals my dreams, not my memories
So many years, so many places, so many faces
As I lie here, they run through my mind like a never-ending show
Some make me wish for days gone by, sun-drenched, warm and real
Some make me weep silently, regrets and shame and sorrow
So much has been lost, so little left to gain
Time is all that remains for me
How will I use it? What choices do I have? Do I have any choices at all?
I am what I am because I wished to be..eternal life was the carrot I chased
Be careful what you wish for is the lesson I have learned
Yet I cling to this solitary existence doggedly, doing what I must to keep it
I will feel guilt and sadness, yet I will do what I must..take what I need
Teeth will enter flesh
The sweet serum of eternity will flow into is how it must be
For despite the regrets and guilt and doubts
What remain as truth is this....
I am life and I am death..I am darkness and I am light
I am good and evil. the end and the beginning

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  • SangDuFana

    Vechten werkt niet...

    1 decennium geleden

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