I guess I'm back to where we started
the clock rewinded
2 years gone, I'm broken-hearted
black keeps me reminded
of how it used to be
you know, just us three
I thought you got well
But I should've known you were still unwell
taking that step was something I had never thought you'd do
I thought you'd get through
Do you remember February 2011?
I thought you'd gone to heaven
It turned out, we were just in time then
But I should've known this time when the phone rang
your mother was crying
you, my friend, were dying
how could you leave us behind like this?
didn't you think about the things we'd miss?
All there's left to say now is rest in peace
and keep my spot open in heaven please

#dedicated to her (H)
17/3/96 - 28/2/13(H)

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