God's Shadow
God's Shadow
As if locked away in hell's fire
Not knowing what to do
As shivers went up my spine
Everything's not fine
I'd love to run
But the walls have closed in
No place to go, no place to hide
As I feel left in dormant space
I am alone in this race
Unable to win filled with sorrow
But as I see the light
And God's Shadow
Not knowing what to do
As shivers went up my spine
Everything's not fine
I'd love to run
But the walls have closed in
No place to go, no place to hide
As I feel left in dormant space
I am alone in this race
Unable to win filled with sorrow
But as I see the light
And God's Shadow
Een vriend van mij heeft dit geschreven toen zijn ouders stierven toen hij 12 was.
Reageer (4)
@ILoveLeDuc Ja, hij is gelovig
1 decennium geledenIs -ie eigenlijk gelovig? Vanwege dat God's Shadow?
1 decennium geledenEn heb je zijn toestemming dit te posten, anders is het een beetje sneu.
Maar ja: het blijft mooi...
echt heel mooi.
1 decennium geledenrespect.
1 decennium geleden