life aint gonna be perfect

i'll tell you something. life aint gonna be perfect.
it's not going to be fun and beautiful all the time.
you're going to cry. you're going to get hurt and you're going to feel lonely at times.
but here's a thing. we need the pain to be able to see all the beauty in our lives. the pain teaches us important lessons.
pain makes us stronger. there are going to be hard times in life.
but the good news is that the pain will not always be there.
you will have days full of laughter and of love. so are you feeling pain now? lost someone you love? feeling lonely? struggling with school? i promise you that the pain will dissapear. maybe not today. maybe not tomorrow.
all i know is that one day you'll be able to say that that's what made me strong. so keep fighting. fight against the pain and show who the stronger one is.

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