If I could sleep tonight

I want to sleep tonight
everything will be allright
when I wake up tomorrow
if I could sleep tonight

Because I
just can't sleep
No matter
how much I want it
No matter
how hard I try

Because I
just can't sleep
No matter what I do!

Ooh If I could sleep now
it doesn't matter how
I really need to feel allright
when I wake up tomorrow
so I need to sleep tonight!

Finally I can sleep now
don't know how I succeed
and I think I'm gonna feel better indeed
when I wake up tomorrow

Thank you, Lord of the Moon
and thank you Lord of the Sun
I know this day will start soon
even the idea makes me feel great
oh it was late!
but I think I want to sleep some more
because I don't feel ready for
that wonderful day in my future

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