There was you and there was me.
There was you and there was me.
Somewhere on the world
We didn't know where,
There was you.
and there was me.
We didn't know eachother,
But we dreamed.
And in our dream,
There was you.
And there was me.
We still did't know,
who the other one was,
but we knew,
there was you.
and there was me.
I knew you were somewhere,
and you knew the same.
But still we only knew,
There was you.
And there was me.
Now, we still don't know each other,
I still dont know who you are.
You still don't know who i am.
But we know,
There is you.
And there is me.
And maybe later,
I think we both hope and know,
There isn't you,
And there isn't me,
Then there is only we.
Reageer (2)
Echt leuk <3 je schrijft goed
1 decennium geledenwow... Ik werd er stil van
1 decennium geledenGeloof me dat gebeurt niet vaak.Gosh, so pretty..