The Feelings Of A Death Eather [Draco Malfoy]

They simply weren't ready,
To accept something,
That hurt them.

Blame wasn't put on us,
But the pain still remains.

I can't erase the things I did.
The things I did, under force
Under power,
Under fear.

They didn't understand,
That it was them or Them.

I didn't want them to suffer
Under the mistakes
That Father had made.

So, He chose me.
At first, I was honored,
But fear crept in,

When he made me watch
The death
Of that Muggleborn teacher.

When he made me torture,
And be tortured.

I was afraid,
But there was no backing out.

He gave me a mission,
And I fullfilled it.

Then, it was over.
The Boy Who Lived, Who Came To Die, And Lived Again,
has saved us once again.

Or so my Mother has been telling,
My sweet little Scorpius.

I guess I don't mind.
After all,
He saved us from our downfall.

[Just a drabble I made of how I think Draco felt when he was under the Dark Lord's command. I didn't read the books or anything, and I got most of my information from WikiPedia and stuff like that. But yeah, I hope it was good enough to /be/ true and such.]

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