Foto bij there must be a way to save you

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Seeing Cora stand that put fear in my heart. When I fist met her I had no one I cared about. Now I did. “so you found love Rumpel?” she asked. “You leave her alone.” I said. “go to you’re home sweet hearth don’t stop don’t look back ill come find you when its safe.” I told Belle. She understood and she left quickly “Protective, and I am not even here to hurt what you love.” she said. “i find that difficult to believe.” I said to her. I remembered how I had a hard time defeating her she was a power hungry witch that would do anything to get more power and if she couldn’t she would do anything to defeat her enemy including killing every thing that person held dear. “She is a lovely girl whats her name?” Cora asked. But I wasn’t about to tell her. “non of you’re businis.” I said. “Such hostility.”
she said. “leave her alone.” Cora laughed and disappeared in to a purple haze. I waited a few minutes and than went to the library I was worried about Belle.
When I reached it the lights were out it made me worry even more. I got as fast as I could in side. “Belle?” I called out. “Belle where are you?” I said. Again I didn’t get an answer. I got back to the door of her apartment. “Belle Please tell me you're in there.” I said as I knocked on the door. After a few tense seconds the door opened But it wasn’t Belle Answering it was Ruby. “Where is Belle?”
“I don’t know I came by and saw the window open I choked it out.” I heard the door of the library open and close. I signaled with putting my finger on my lips to ruby that she should be silent.
I heard walking. It came closer and closer. When it came across the corner I saw it was her Belle.
“Belle you're alright.” I said. She came to me as fast as she could.
“i am fine.” she said. I hugged her to me. “I was so worried.” I said. “I was to I came looking for you.” she said looking at me in the dark. “lets go in side.” she said at that point she saw Ruby.
“and what are you doing here?” she asked. “Well I was worried but now I’m just staying cause I like to.” she said teasing her friend. Belle smiled. “Ruby could you go I really want to talk to Rumpel alone.” she said. “shore.” Ruby said and opened the door. “Play safe kids.” she said before she ran out laughing “Don’t mind her.” Belle said. “I don’t Belle I think its time for me to tell you everything so you can protect yourself.” I said. She nodded I told her everything how I became what they call the Dark one and what my powers could do like rip some ones heart out and if I wanted to kill that person all I needed to do was squeeze it to dust. How many people I had hurt and deals I had made. also the reason I became what I am. And that I only 2se had regrets of becoming it. The first time when I lost my son. And when I started loving her. Also I told her about the source of my power the magical dagger I had hidden in the clock tower. She listened to me with patience. “i know I am a monster. And I understand if you never want to see me again.” I said to her. “i knew most of that you told me and showed it to me all before just not the hearts ripping part and that dagger but Rumpel sweetheart I know who you are.” she said as she sat down on my lap. “i told you what we have is worth fighting for and if that dagger is the source of you’re power there also must be a way to free you. But why tell all this now?” she asked.
“i want you to hear it all from me. Not from any one ells like Cora. I want you to know how much you mean to me if anything would happen to one of us.” I said kissing her cheek.
“who is this Cora and why does she scare you so?” she asked me “She is almost more powerful than me. I was like her once not caring about anything just power you changed that.” she looked at me. “But why are you scared of her?” she asked. “Cause I love you, she wants all power she can get her hands on and she isn't afraid to kill to take it and the only way to break me is to kill what ever I love.” I said. “Me?” she said. “yes you, I don’t want to lose you again.” I said.
“would she still come after me if you are free from you’re powers?” she asked. “i don’t know.” she looked at me again. “are you willing to give them up?” she asked me seriously. “For you’re safety and love? Everything.” I said hugging her. “i once told you my power meant more to me than you, and you told me it was a lie.” I said. “what about that? ” she asked “you were right it was and still is you mean so much more.” I said holding her as close as I could “Than we will free you.” she said with determination. “you ask this Cora that if you lose you’re power if she would leave you alone and I will retrieve that dagger.” Belle said. I did what she asked of me. I went to my shop where in deed Cora was waiting “What took you so long?” she asked. “I want you to stay away from her.” I said right from the bat. “you’re charming brunette?” she said smiling evilly “Leave her alone.” I said. “Maybe. Maybe I wont. I am here for a reason and I will get it.” I looked at her “What do you want?” I said. “My daughter and power, and to stay here.” she said. “ I should have never made that deal with you.” “now you don’t mean that.” she said. “if you hurt my girlfriend I will find a way to kill you.” I bit at her. “now leave Cora” I said. She did for this time what I asked her but I knew she was going to come back. A few weeks passed and I didn’t see Cora again it made me suspicions and even more protective over my Belle. She had found my dagger and hidden it in a place she only knew its location from. But the day that it was needed grew closer and closer.
It was a foggy day in September. The school only just started. And there she stood in front of my shop, Cora. “Well well I seem to need to hurt you’re brunette my old friend.” she said. “i want that dagger I want to be able to tell you what to do.” she said. “ I don’t know where it is nether does she.”
“that is not fully true now is it Rumpel?” she said and she clicked her fingers showing me she had belle tied up. “she only wont tell me where the hell it is.” “Let her go she doesn’t know.” “oh she does she asked my Regina if there was a way to free you. I know there is but I know you can never do it.” she said. “Let her go I will do anything.” I said.”no you wont.” Cora said but she let Belle go. “Belle.” I said going to her as fast as I could. “Are you alright?” “i am fine I know a way but forgive me.” she said standing up and grabbing the dagger. “See now you lied Rumpel.”Cora said.
“if I can strip him of his power will you leave us alone?” Belle asked. “he loses all interest in me than but you cant do it.” Cora said.
Belle placed her hands on the dagger. “i command you now.” she said. “belle?” I asked. “ I have a plan.”she said near tears. I felt a pull I had never felt before I needed to obey. “right do I command you dark one?” she asked. “yes.” I said unwillingly what was she planning. “oke now take my heart,” she said. My heart nearly stopped. why would she do that? “no.” I said but I had no choice my arm went as it was commanded to her chest. “tel me to stop Belle.” I begged, “no do it.”she said.
And within a matter of seconds i had her heart in my hand. “Belle no.” I begged her again.
She looked at me. “if this doesn’t work you don’t love me.” she said. I didn’t understand. “crush it.”
Belle said. “no. no please no Belle tell me not to do that please you control what I do don’t make me do this.” she looked at me crying.”do it.” she said my hand started to squeeze her heart. I saw her fall on the floor in pain. “NO.” I screamed and I went over to belle. “Make me stop.” I begged her. “Please I need you.” I said. “you stop yourself that is the way to free you.” she said gasping for air. Some how her words gave me strength. “Do.. it.” Belle said weak. “no I wont. I wont kill you.” I took control of my body and stopped squeezing my Precious Belles heart. “I wont.” I said again and helped her to her feet. “sweetheart this will hurt you a bit.” I said and I put her heart back where it belonged. Belle coughed and fell on to the floor. All the while people had gathered around us. “The dagger. “she said trying to regain her air. “look.” she said. I looked at the blade the name Rumpelstilskin had gone from it in fact there was no name on the blade any more what so ever. “you’re free. You did it.” she said sitting up. I held her tight to me. “you did it.”i said to her. “but next time if you have to do something like that can you use an other guinea pig?” I said holding her even closer. “you swore to leave us alone now Cora I am powerless now.” I said to her helping my Belle up. “you hold no interest for me any more rumple have fun living you’re life I will find my way to ultimate power.” she said as she disappeared in again her purple smoke. I didn’t care I was free now free from a curse that had made me into something evil Belle had freed me. She looked still a bit weak but that would pass.
“shall I take you home?” I asked her. “ Could I stay with you for a while?” she asked me. I looked at her.” Are you shore.” “very.” she said I kissed her with all the passion I had in me. “as long as you wish than my love.” Ruby came to us. “ what just happened?” She asked “I just freed my boyfriend from evil that happened.” Belle said proud “what do you mean? Snow asked. “i am free powerless but free. The curse that was upon me is broken thanks to Belle.” I said. “so you weren’t evil in the beginning? “ she asked “no, I only became what I was to safe my son.” I said. “a son I will now start looking for I found a way out of storybrook. And if you all don’t mind I’m taking our librarian with me, with Cora on the loose you never know what will happen.” I said holding Belle close to me I would go and find my son and they would both be on my side that would be all the power I needed but for now Belle was more than enough. I was free I had love and I was happy and all of that thanks to my darling Belle. Whom really was my true love. She was what my mother once taught me the remedy to heal a broken heart.


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