Foto bij somthing worth figthing for

dit is chapter 5
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we reached my house. “little smaller than a castle.” she said giving me a playful push.
I smiled at her. “come on in it is you’re house to now.” I said.
After she picket out a room that was across the hall from me, we sat in the living room. “you never told me how you got that limp when I met you, you didn’t did it happen here?”
I smiled at her interest. “no my Belle it didn’t, I got it in the first ogre wars in our land.” I told her. More I didn’t want to tell I was to ashamed of it. “so its a war wound?” she asked. “something like that.” I told her. “i never asked Belle but seeing you are nothing like you’re father where is you’re mother?” her expression changed to sad. “If you don’t want to tell me it is fine.” I said to her while I sat down next to her.”i will tell you.” she said as she laid her head on my shoulder. “my mother passed away when I was little. At least that is what my father told me, she was sick she had me and raised me till I was 2 and than she passed away I don’t even remember her. What I do know is that she had my eyes and hair color, that golden dress I had was hers.” she said. “you said you’re father told you she died.”i said. “yes.” she answered “do you trust him, I mean we can see him to ask.” I said to her. “that will work well.” she said sitting up “my father doesn’t like you for taking me away from him,he will try and take me back.” she said to me. “its yore life my Belle. you are free to chose what you want to do.” she smiled and laid back down on my shoulder. “thank you.” she said. She must have been tired cause ten minutes after she laid her head down on my shoulder she fell asleep. Afraid to wake her I didn’t move her for an hour. She looked so beautiful and precious when she was sleeping. After the hour I carefully picket her up and carried her best I could up to her room. There I laid her down in her bed and covered her up so she could sleep soundly. I smiled at her she looked so calm this way. My beautiful curious belle. A few minutes later I went to the basement to figure out a way to pass the town line cause if one would pass it he would forget whom he was and whom he loved, I couldn’t risk not knowing my son when I went looking for him nor did I want to forget my Belle. Definitely not now I had finally found her back. So I started to use some spells to find the answer to this new curse. I looked out of the basement window and it had become morning, I realized I had worked all night. I went upstairs to the kitchen where I saw Belle sit in the living room. “hey.” I said to her “what are you doing?” she asked me “making you breakfast.” I said joking but her eyes showed me something else.”i mean in the basement, I saw you using magic.” she said. “it were only a couple of spells nothing to be concerned about.” she looked at me. “why did you bring magic here?” she asked. “i told you magic is power.” I said to her hoping her stern look would go away. “you don’t need power Rumpelstilskin you just need courage to let me in.” she said and walked away. After I finished breakfast I wen to her room. I knocker on the door. “Belle? Come on at least eat something.” I said opening the door I found her room empty. “Belle?” she was gone. I forgot about breakfast and looked for her father. “i was wondering if you had heard from you’re daughter.” I asked him giving him the flier he had made. “if I did would you think I had made this?” he asked. “you are the reason she is missing, the deal I made with you.” he said in anger. “i hoped she had survived that.” he added. “and she has, she even came looking for you made a flier like this one.” I said. “and I guess you took care of it by trowing it in the trash.” he said. “look I don’t expect you to understand, I just want to know if she is safe.” I explained. Moe looked at me. “now thanks to you neither of us know.” he said. I took the flier from him and went to the only one that understood what I went trough. David Nolan. Ore like he was known in the fairytale world Prince charming. I knocked on the door of his house. He opened the door. “i have something to ask you. Sheriff?” I said seeing how he wore the sheriffs badge.”acting sheriff but excuse me I am busy cleaning up you’re mess.” he said. I knew what he meant. “my apologies that was a moment of poor judgment on my case, but it is not lost on me to ask for you’re help.” I said, “and it wont be lost on me when I say no.” David said. “Please hear me out first.”
I said and giving hi the flier. “i come to report a missing person. Her name is Belle she left my home early this morning.” I said. David opened the fayer “in our land you said you once loved some one is this?” he asked. “yes.” I said. “you also said she died.” I turned from him. “i thought she had, look I only want to know if she is safe, and no one wants to help me but you are in the unique situation that you know exactly what I am going trough.”i aid pointing at his picture of his wife and daughter. “i will help you.” David said and we went to hit the streets. After a while we found ourselves in granny,s diner. David was talking to Ruby also known as red riding hood whom was a waitress in granny,s diner. “Belle huh? Sorry doesn’t ring a bell.” she said. Hope on finding her faded by every no we got. Maybe something had happened to her. Could I truly live with myself than? “look ruby if you know any thing I wont let anything happen to her.” David said. “what about him.” she said. I knew no one liked me I was a monster before I came here. “i got him.”i heard him say.” she walked to the counter. “she was in earlier she wanted to get a job I directed her to the library.” she said. Good she was at least safe. “do you think she could be there?” I asked. “i don’t know.” Ruby said and grabbed something from behind the counter, “but if you find her can you give her this she left it in her booth.” she said and laid on the table my gray sweater. “that’s mine.” I said looking from David to ruby.” she had nothing for the cold.” Ruby looked at me with a strange expression in her eyes. “you shore she wont get hurt?” she asked David. He nodded at her .” sins the curse broke I have been more sensitive to odors.” Ruby said. “you can smell her?” I asked skeptic. “must be the wolf thing.” she said and reached out her hand. I gave her the sweater and we were on our way to look for her once more. In front of her fathers shop Ruby sneezed and said she couldn’t track her anymore due to the flowers and apologist I told her there was no need for that and I went in side. “you again out, you’re not welcome here.” Moe said. “all we want is to find you’re daughter,” David said. “she is safe so you can stop looking.” he said. “all I want to do is talk to her.” I said to him
“do you have any idea what you did to her?” he said. “but its going to be taken care of.” he said.
“what do you mean what have you done to her?” I asked. It wouldn’t be the first time he had hurt her.
“i have to make her forget about you, even if that means she will forget me to.” I looked at him as mad as I could get how could he do this to his own child. “he is sending her over the town line.” I said and as fast as I could I went out side. “where are you sending her over you know we have patrols at the line so no one crosses accidental.” David said as he opened Moe,s van. I pushed Moe against the side of it using my Kane to trap him. “where?, where are you sending her across tell me.” I said letting all my anger and worry out. “stop it you will kill him.” David said. “if he hurts her he wishes I did just that.” I said o David. Whom looked at Moe,s hand. “you have been down the mines.” he said. “ how is that important?” I asked I knew David had been there mining for fairy dust but how was it relevant to getting Belle back.
“the tunnels lead out of town.” he said. “she is there lets go.” I said as I stepped in the van.
A few tense minutes later we went inside. I heard a cart rumbling followed by Belles screams. I knew I had not a second to loose she would get hurt I used my powers to get her back. And shore enough the cart with her in it came back to where the rail started a minute ore 3 later. She was chained to it with hand cuffs. I used my powers to open those and David got her out of the cart. “Belle are you ok?” I asked her. “i think so.” she said. “what do you remember?” I asked. “everything Rumpelstilskin.” she said. I sighted in relieve and hugged her. “thank you for what you just did but it doesn’t change you’re to cowardly to let me in.” she said. “tell him Belle come with me darling.” Moe said. “after what you just tried to do to me you are no better father this is my life my choices and if any of you cared about me you would have listened.” she said as she walked away. Ruby took me back to the diner and gave me something to drink. “so. Rumpel loves some one.” she said. I looked at her. “yes, and I drove her away, again.” I said. “you know. Sometimes it takes something small to start something new.” Ruby said. I smiled at her and left. A few days later I had gotten the library key from Regina. It had an apartment for the one taking care of it so if Belle wanted all of it she could have it. At least I knew she would be safe. I went to Granny,s diner once more.”Ruby.” I called. “yes?” she asked. “Could you give Belle this.”i said showing a small box with the key in it and putting it to the counter. “And don’t tell her I left it.” I asked she nodded and smiled. I left to wait for her in the library. Shore enough a half an hour later she entered. My heart racing by only seeing her. “we can sit in our library but be I all corners of the universe.” I said as I came to her. “you gave me the key.” she asked. I nodded. “ I heard of you’re interest and I asked around. there is an apartment in the back for the caretaker if you want it.” I said. “if this is some way to win me back.” she said. I held up my hand.”it is not that.” I said coming to her. “i just wanted to tell you you’re right about me. I am a coward, I have been my entire life and to overcome that I started collecting power, it became so important to me that it cost me the most important person in my life.” I said. “You’re son.” she said as she leaned back on a book shelve. "Bealfire is his name, I spend most of my life trying to find away and I found myself a curse that took me to where he had escaped to.” I said. “here.”belle understood. “i found myself in this little town with one thing to do wait for the curse to be broken so I could leave.” I said “but in stead looking for him you bought magic.” she said. “cause I am still a coward, and magic became something I thought I couldn’t live without, and now I cant leave this place I have to break this new curse, that is why you saw me use magic that night.” I said to her. “i lost so much I loved already, I didn’t want to lose you again with out you knowing everything,” she looked at me with compassion in her eyes what was all I could ask of her. I touched her cheek “farewell Belle.” I said as I let her go and was about to leave. Trying not to show her my broken heart. Bea may have meant my world for a long time she now shared an equal part with him now. “have you ever had a hamburger?” she asked. I turned around and found a way to smile at her. “of course.” I said. “well I haven't and I heard granny,s makes a good one maybe we could have one together someday.” she said. “I would like that.” and I walked away and so it had started again a life without her. But I had an opening. The door to her heart wasn’t fully closed. To forget about the pain I reverted to just spinning and being in my shop.
After a while I went to granny,s diner I didn’t feel like cooking I never realist how Belle had hold over my heart. David managed to get Emma and Snow back with just a little help from Regina and me trying to keep out Regina,s mother what seemed to have worked. I saw Belle having f a great time with her new found friends. Afraid I would never be able to give her anything worth that I left feeling once more heart broken.”Rumpel.”i heard her say. I turned around to see her In the door opening. “something wrong?” I asked her. “no but why do you leave so soon?” she asked as she came to me. “every one seemed to have a good time in there I didn’t want to impose. She put her arms around my neck and hugged me. My heart was racing by her touch. “what was that for?” I asked. “showing you want to change.” she said. “you know what if you want to we could go over to the library and talk.” she said. “what about you’re friends?” I asked. “i will tell them I have a date.” she said with a twinkle in her eyes. It made me smile. A few minutes later she was outside again. “come on.” she said taking my hand. “i might have reacted a bit to harsh in the mines.” she said. “no you didn’t.” I said. She smiled. God she looked so sweet that way. It was so hard for me not to kiss her ore even hold her when she smiled at me. “I think I have I am willing to try again, if you promise you at least try to change.” she said. I looked at her full hope. “i promise Belle I do.” I said. She laughed. “oke.”she said and came closer to me. “i will try to be more patient.” she said. I couldn’t help myself any more an I kissed her. Expecting to feel her pull back but she didn’t. “you know that’s really unseemly.” I heard some one say. I turned around to see Ruby smiling. “but than again I should have stayed in side.” she added. “Ruby be nice.” Belle said. The girls laughed. “i just wanted to see who you’re date was. I could have known it was you.”she said. “why?” I asked her. “well you seem to be all that is on her mind you and books.”
Belle turned red by what her friend said. “Ruby.” she said. “What I should have known it wouldn’t take long before you would go back to him.”Ruby said.
“Ruby come on in.” I heard her grandma say. Ruby did what was asked of her.
once again Belle and I were alone.“why haven’t you given up on me?” I asked her.”what we have is worth fighting for.” she said and she kissed me. “well isn’t this precious.” I heard a women say. I knew the voice it made me shield Belle from her. “Cora?” I said seeing Regina,s even more evil mother stand there.

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