Foto bij The past coming back

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“yes I am but I am afraid were.” I said turning around. “closed.”i added not believing my eyes, was I hallucinating again. In front of me in a hospital gown a gray vest and coat was Belle. My Belle. I walked towards her. “I was told to find you, and tell you that Regina had locked me up does that mean anything to you?” I reached out my hand and touched her shoulder gently squeezing it. “you’re real, you’re alive.” I said not believing it but this wasn’t a dream this was real. “they said you would protect me.” she said. “oh yes.” I said almost crying with joy as I hugged her. “yes I'll protect you.” “do I know you?” she asked as I back away from her to look at her. “no.” I said crying “but you will.”i said carefully taking her hand to guide her out side.
“hop in.” I said to her holding open my car door.
She got in and we drove to the forest. “where are you taking me?” she asked me. “to a special place don't worry I wont hurt you.” I said as I led her to a well that supposedly had a link to the old lake nostos of the enchanted forest. I saw a flicker of light pass trough. I dismissed it as just a trick of the light and kept walking. “wait.” Belle said “No were almost there.” I said to her. “Rumpelstilskin wait.” her saying my name stopped me dead in my tracks and I turned to her. “I remember.” she said coming to me. “I love you.”she said and my heart jumped. “yes.” I said hugging her. “yes and I love you to.” I said letting her go gently and placing my hand on her cheek. “bu there will be time for that, there will be time for everything but there something I have to do.”
I said to her and walked out in front of her to the well. Explaining to her what it was and dropping the potion in to the well. Magic was coming back to storybrook. After the purple mist had cleared I looked at her.
”My darling Belle.” I said taking her hand. “You must tel me what happened to you.” she looked at me. “i was abducted.” she said. It made rage build up in me. “Regina.” I said in anger and she nodded her head. “She lock me up in her tower till the curse and I have been in the asylum ever sins.” she said. “for 28 years.” I said still angry for what had been done to her. Again she nodded. “you have been here. Alive.” I said. “so that’s why you brought back magic for revenge?” she asked. “ oh no but it might come in handy. “no.” she said to me coming closer. “don’t let you’re hate cloud you’re judgment.” she said. “i can not let this stand Belle, I will not let this stand.” I said rage building higher and higher. “promise me, you wont go after her, promise me you wont kill her.” she said and I think she saw me hesitating after she took both my hands and looked me deep in my eyes. “promise me. And we can be together.” she said. “oh sweetheart.” I said touching her face gently. “i promise.” I said and I kissed her. Finally I could kiss her with out also losing my powers. After we kissed she laid her head on my shoulder and all I could and wanted to do at that point was hold her as close to me as I could. Afraid I would lose her again, ore worse that it was all a dream. But this wasn’t a dream. This was real. She was alive she was here and she still loved me as much as I loved her. This moment. This exact moment it was perfect. I was even secretly wishing I could stay in this moment for ever. I looked in her eyes. She looked so tired. “are you alright?” I asked her after I let her go out of my embrace. “yes, I am fine why?” “you look tired, come with me.” I said as I took her hand. I lead her back to my shop. I had clothing there that would shore fit her and this hospital outfit didn’t suit her. She was still beautiful she always was and always will be but she deserved better clothing. “wait here Belle I,m going to find you something to wear you’ve been in these rags long enough.” I said to her and I went to the back. To find her something to were and to find something to punish Regina for what she had done to my precious Belle. Most of the clothing I had was to old fashioned for her. Except this one dress it was black and white striped dress to just above the knee by the looks of it. I walked back to belle. “i know its a little old fashioned but its the only thing I could find that passed for looking decent.” I said handing her the dress. She smiled and gave me a small kiss. “it will be fine Rumpel. Anything besides this is better.” she said and she passed me to get dressed in the back. “Belle. I have to see to something I will be back just be careful.” I said.
“don’t stay out to long.” she said jokingly to me from the back room. “and so it begins.” I said joking her back. And than I left my shop to go to the sheriffs station. Regina was sitting in the same cell I had been in all by herself. I walked up to her. She asked me some things and I tried my hardest to sound at least somewhat friendly. “are you here to finish the job?” she asked me. I over heard the sheriff and her parents talk about the town trying o kill her but Emma stopping them. The girl was to good for her own good. “oh no you have nothing to fear from me I made a promise to someone that I wont hurt you.” I said “i am so relieved. Promise? Who could make you do that?” I stepped to the bars. “Belle.” I said hoping it would scare her enough to never come after her again. “she is alive?” she said pretending not to know but I saw trough her. “you’re a dreadful lair.” I said. She grabbed the bars “i could have killed her but I didn’t.” she said, “in stead you kept her alive waiting for the right moment to do it, its a faith worse than death.” I said to her. “how would you know that, oh yes of course you were locket up in our world ass well.” she said smiling. “why did you lock her up I had thrown her out and pushed her away you didn’t have to lock her up.” I said trying to stay 100 process true to my words and not have anything killing her out of my name. “she posed a threat to me.” Regina said, again lieing. “you lie. Tell me the truth.” she looked directly at me. “alright I will, she holds power over you. I desired that if you would ever come to me to hurt me I could use her to stop you. You think I didn’t know how much she meant to you, ore does she still mean it to you Rumpel?” I didn’t react to that I didn’t want Belle to be targeted by any one to get to me “she does doesn’t she?” Regina said “no I send her away to her father.” I said lieing to Regina. “you are lieing now Rumpel I can tell. So she is with you and you love her.” she said and started laughing. “oh this is precious I knew she meant something to you in our land I knew you loved her than but you fall so easily out of love what made this one linger for 28 years?” she asked entertained. “much like what makes Daniel linger with you dearie.” I said. That struck a cord she looked at me with anger. “how dare you. once I get out of here and have my magic back, and I will get it back I will find away to get her away from you for ever Rumpel.” she said. I grabbed the amulet I had in my hand that was protected by a black glove so I wouldn’t get market by it myself and grabbed Regina,s arm she had no protection so when I put the amulet on her skin she was marked. “good luck living long enough. I would have let you get away if you didn’t just threaten to hurt Belle dearie.” I said with anger and I walked away knowing that it would be taken care of. I got back in my shop. Belle was sitting on one of the sofa,s in the front in her black and white striped dress with new shoes on she probably found and a legging to keep her legs warm. “i hope you don’t mind that I took these things as well.” she asked. I walked over to her. “no of course not.” “i have no way of paying you for this.” she said. “why would you need to?” I asked her “i suppose I expected to need to. I know you love me, but I knew that back in the castle and you threw me out.” it broke my heart knowing how I had hurt and apparently scared her by that. “that was cause I was scared.” I said to her and helped her up. “scared of what?of me?”she asked. “yes, yes I thought that you couldn’t love me. Not the way I looked ore behaved and even if you could see past that. I did many horrible things people would tell you when they found out what you also meant and mean to me to get you away from me. I am sorry.”i said pulling her closer to me. “but you need not worry now, I am not scared of what I feel for you now.” I said to her. I saw 3 figures coming my way. “Belle go to the back please I need to take care of this.” she did what I asked of her. Emma charming and snow entered. “well what a lovely sight.” I said Emma was mad at me for taking the potion from her after a short heated conversation the arrangement I made to get rid of Regina made itself known. “what is that?” Emma asked. “that dearie is going to take care of Regina,” I said. Snow charming and Emma left again to take care of it. I didn’t care they probably wouldn’t make it. Belle came back from out of the curtain that separated the back room from the front. “you lied to me.” she said. “no I kept my word I will not kill her.” I said. “you toy with words as you do people.” she said. “ you’re still a man that makes wrong choices I thought you changed.” she said. I felt the need to defend myself.”what in the hour you’ve known me?” I said to her and looked her in the eyes. I saw her heart broken expression in her beautiful blue eyes and instantly I regretted saying it to her. She walked to the door. “Belle I am sorry.” I said to her. She opened the door and looked at me. “I am.” I said but it didn’t change her mind she left out of my life again. I looked at the counter. In the glass part under it was her cup.
I took it out. “i am so stupid.” I said to myself. “i let her go again.” I said and walked to the back.
I summoned my spinning wheel. I placed Belles cup on a crate next to me and started spinning.
I wanted once more to forget. David also known as prince James came to my shop. “Regina lives you failed but it took snow and Emma.” he said. I got up from behind my spinning wheel. “did it hurt any one?” I asked. “why would you care? David asked. “i just do , I have my reasons.” I said protecting myself. “not that I know of.” he said I sighted in relieve. Belle was ok that was at least something. He left after that and i went back to what I was doing. Trying to forget Belle once more. Even though I knew it would never work. Again I heard he bell on my door ring I didn’t even get up. I heard some one walking and coming over to the back. I turned around to see who it was and there she was again Belle. “i thought you didn’t want to see me again?” I said. “i didn’t, but I got worried.” she said. “over Regina? don’t worry she lives.” she smiled a bit. “so you didn’t get what you wanted?” I looked at Belle trying to keep myself from saying that it was her I really wanted. “that remains to be seen.” I managed to say. She looked behind me and smiled. “you still have it.” she said as she picked up her cup “my chipped cup.” I carefully took it from her. “there are many wonderful things in this shop but this.” I said looking at her. “this is the only thing I truly cherish.” she smiled. She looked so beautiful I couldn’t hurt her again. I had to send her away even though it meant hurting my self again. “and now you have to go.” I said to her near tears. “why?”
I sat down her cup. “because despite what you hope I am still a monster.” I said to her. I hoped that would scare her away from me for ever. Just to protect her. But an other part in me the most of me really hoped she wouldn’t leave and stay here with me for ever. “don’t you see.” she said smiling and putting her hands on my shoulders. “that is exactly why I should stay.” She said. I put my hands on her waste and pulled her to me. “I love you Belle.” I said to her. “I love you to.” she said answering my embrace. Again the bell of my shop door rang. I sighted “ speaking of bad timings.” i said. “Gold.” I heard Regina say. “stay here.” I whispered to Belle. I went to the front of my shop. “Regina.” I said greeting her “It didn’t work. I am alive.” she said coming at me. “you do know that failing to kill me would end in you’re demise don’t you.” she said angry. “I’d like to see you try.” I said to her. Out of her bag she got a knife. “oh I will.” she said. “no Regina put that away we wouldn’t want you to get hurt.” I said. At that point Belle came back from behind the curtains. “She is here?, even better.” she launched at Belle with her knife. “No.” I screamed and pulled Belle away from the impact zone. “Leave her out of this Regina you’re battle is with me. But I'll make you a deal. I wont hurt you ore come after you.” I said. “you want payment I know you do definitely for that.” Regina said. “indeed. I want you to show me, ore in this case Belle the same immunity I wont come after you and you wont hurt Belle ore try to hurt me. Deal?” I asked. She looked at me. “Love is weakness.” she said “but we have a deal I wont hurt her ore you.” I nodded. “would you be so kind and leave?” I asked her Regina blew air out of her nostrils and left.
“are you ok?” I asked Belle. “I am fine, why did you pull me away you could have easily healed me.” she said. “she could have killed you, I cant heal the dead and I didn’t want you to get hurt at all.” I answered her. She kissed me. “i just have a simple problem.” she said. “and what is that my Belle?” I asked. “ I have no place to stay.” I looked at her. “That is no problem if you want to you could stay in my house and I wont make you sleep in the living room I have rooms to spare you can pick one out.” I said to her. She smiled. “Ok. But what is the price with you there is always a price.” she said. I smiled at her. “Magic comes with a price.” I said to her. “no no everything.” she said. And she kissed me. “oke payment received.” I said blinking. “you’re strange.” she said. “So are you so than were even.” I said teasing her. “oh and you don’t need to clean except you’re own room and the curtains open just in case you were curious.” I said. Belle laughed. “good to know here not nailed down” she said. “well I could do that if you really want to be cough again.” I said. She playfully poked me in the chest. “no thank you.” she said as I lead her out of the shop to my home, now all I had left to do was cross the town line and find my son than my life would be complete. Belle and my son by my side.

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