Foto bij a new world

dit is chapter 3
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Where was I how did I get here? I knew my name gold. And had memories of a childhood ore so it seemed. I lived in this grate house and had a pawn shop. Had a lot of money but it didn’t seem right.
Every day the same thing. Going to my shop. Going home at the end of the day. And doing that day in day out. After a while mayor mills came in to my shop. “what can I do for you miss mayor?” I asked her.
“well mister gold. I long to have a child and cant seem to find the right man here in storybrook to have one with.” she said hesitant. “so you want me to do what dear?” I asked her. “well I want you to see if I can adopt a child.” I smiled at the mayor. “i will see what I can do. “ and so my quest started. I looked for a few months for a child that was given up for adoption ore was going to be after it was born. 11 months later I found one. A young women named E swan. Wanted to give up her child at birth she was in jail and so she wanted something better for the child. I made some enquirers and got in contact with the social worker that was associated with this women. “yes sir miss swan will be giving her child away and wants it to be out side of the system I am appointed to it to at least see it will go to a good home.” she said to me on the phone. After a few weeks mayor mills was deemed stable enough to adopt the child and not much later 2 months in fact a little boy was brought in to this sleepy little town to be raised by our very own mayor. Henry. She called him.
A sweet boy that soon started to like this place. When he gold older as the years past he often visited me if miss mills had council meetings with the sheriff ore other board members that were important to this town. At age 7 he came to my house one day. “Mr gold?” I heard his young voice say. “Well hello Henry what brings you here?” I said walking to him. “my mom wanted to ask you if you could come over she needed to talk to you, but she had no time to ask her you’re self.” he said. “that is fine Henry, you’re a good messenger I will be there.” his attention was pulled to my mantle. “you have nice things Mr gold.” he said walking over to it. “thank you.” I said to him. He picky up this chipped cup I seemed to have always had in my possession. “oh please be careful Henry it means lot to me.” I said. I didn’t know why but somehow that cup was very precious to me. “its pretty shame its a bit broken.” he said. I carefully took it from him. “that is why I don’t use it to drink out of young man, but put it up my mantle.” I said putting it back. “but why? Does it have a special meaning?” he asked. “ I suppose so Henry, you’re a curious one aren’t you?” I said to the boy. I liked that triad in a person curios stubborn and not afraid to speak ones mind.
“Well if it is so special Mr gold you should keep it on a safer place.” I smiled at the boy. “i don’t have kids Henry, so it wont brake easily” I said giving him a glass of lemonade. He quickly drank it and left my house.
At the age of 10 Henry found out he was adopted and started asking me questions about his mom.
I told him what I knew of her. He seemed to always take this story book with him. It looked somewhat familiar some one that was that fund of a book but I didn’t know why. I looked at the chipped cup on my mantle how strange it was I could never bring myself to throw it out.
A few weeks after I told Henry what I knew of his mother I went to pick up rent by granny’s bed and breakfast.
There was this strange blonde women there. What looked odd to me, we never had any strangers in storybrook. “whats the name?” granny asked the blonde lady. “Emma, swan.” “Emma.” I said and that’s when my memories came flying back to me about my life in the enchanted realm. “what a lovely name.” I said to her. Granny whom was the grand mother of red riding hood gave me the rent of the bed and breakfast. “its all counted for.” she said. “thank you.” I said to her and I left. Heading home.
This new world wasn’t strange for me for I had been here 28 years even though time had not moved for ward the curse had a funny work way. But it also was a bit strange for me now. I would get used to it eventually
I reached my home. And saw once again that damn chipped cup. But now it hurt seeing it again. For now I remembered why it had been so precious to me. Belle. It was the cup she had chipped. Some how in all these years the love I felt for her wasn’t less.
The day after Emma arrived the clock started ticking what was odd. Would she be weakening this curse I wondered. I remembered why I wanted to be here. To find my son. But i knew I couldn’t leave storybrook the curse prevented me from that. The hardest day of the year was just a day away valentines day. Before I didn’t understand why it had felt so sad but now I did. Moe french. Belle,s father had a loan with me that he didn’t seem to be able to pay back. I was now not about to let the man that had caused my dear Belle,s death to get away with any thing. I found him near our small market place unloading his flowers for he owned a flower shop named game of thorns. “well this is just perfect.” I said to him. I had a man with me I hired to take the van off him if he didn’t pay right now. “i will have you’re money next week.” he said. That wasn’t just good enough he got no consideration from me cause he didn’t show it to her. “terms of the loan were fairly specific, take the van” he stepped in front of the van and started bickering that this wasn’t the way to do busyness I had enough of him .”i wont allow you to finish this conversation.” I said pretending to look at my fob wash “you are the lowest.” he said after the van drove away. I didn’t care what he would think of me.
I crossed the road and saw Regina stand there. After a short conversation I entered my shop again. I hated these days so much. I missed Belle so much more round valentines day. At the end of the day I went home. My front door was open. I knew I had closed it I never left it open I’m a difficult man to love so people would never keep an eye on my house. I walked in and grabbed my gun from the dresser at the entrance. I walked in to my living room and looked around a lot of things were stolen I looked at the mantle and at that point my hear seemed to stop. It was gone. Belle,s cup was gone. I knew Moe had done it he was put up to it. Why would any one steal a chipped cup it had no value I suspected Regina Suddenly I heard someone behind me. I turned around and pointed my gun. I saw Emma whom had become sheriff standing in my door opening pointing her gun at me. “sheriff Swan.” I said to her we had a short conversation where I gave Moe,s name. The next day she called me in saying she found my stuff I went to the station where she unveiled most of my belongings the trinkets that didn’t mean anything to me. “you recovered nothing somethings missing. “ I said to her, and indeed something was. The most important thing intact Belle's chipped cup was missing. All the rest I could have done without but not that. “ill get it when I find him.” but my rage had picked up and I had lost my temper and my patience. “not if I find him first.” I said and walked away. Early in the evening I bought some tape and rope. I wasn’t about to let Moe get away with both causing Belle,s death and stealing my priced possession, her cup. After a short while I had found him, I tied him up gagged him and pushed him into his own van. I drove to a cabin in the forest. In side I removed his gag and put down my gun. “let me explain ok? , I can explain.” he said. “well that’s fascinating truly fascinating.” I said after I sat down on a chair. I put the Kane I needed for walking in his thought “I’m going to let you breath in a second and you're going to say two centices the first is going to tell me where it is. The second is going to tell me who told you to take it. I said and I removed my Kane from his thought “i needed that van.”he said. “now you see that is not a good first sentence.” I said hitting him with the golden point of my cane. After a few hits he said in pain .”it wasn't my fault.” at that point the rage and I guess still grieve hit me. “my fault? What are you talking about my fault, you shut her out you had her love and you shut her out.”i said hitting him again. “she,s gone. Shes gone forever shes not coming back and its you’re fault not mine.” I said hitting him again “you are her father. Its you.” I said and I kept hitting him all the pain rage and mostly grieve I had in me I used to hit him till he stopped screaming. A hit ore two more and I felt my arm being held. “stop.” I heard Ms swan say. It brought me back to reality. After a short conversation she locket me up in the sheriffs station. Where Regina came to see me. Having an excuse to be in there using her adopted son to lure Emma away from the station she came to me. After a few harsh words and giving her my name she finally gave me back my cherished cup. I had lost Belle,s necklace coming to storybrook with the curse so this truly was the only thing left that reminded me of my precious Belle. A few months past and the curse seemed weakening. So I started to plan a trip to find my son. I wanted someone I loved dearly back in to my life. And sins Belle was out of the question Bea my son became even more important to find. Even though I had designed the curse to bring me to the world he was in. I felt the absence of him less when I had Belle with me. But now I wanted to find him. After tricking Emma in to giving me the most powerful potion to bring back magic in this realm I heard my shop bell chime. “excuse me, are you Mr gold.” I heard a girl ask.

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Reageer (2)

  • jane871

    @ lil asskicker ik weet dat er vast fouten in staan ik ben dyslecies ik spell check mijn verhalen met gewoon een spell checker kan er weinig aan doen en je begint hier ook midden in een verhaal

    1 decennium geleden
  • LilAsskicker

    Ik kwam dit hoofdstukje per toeval tegen en begon het even te lezen, maar ik begreep er echt helemaal niks van. Ook staan er grote spellingsfouten en grammaticale fouten.

    Paar voorbeelden:
    Belle,s = Belle's
    sins = since (als je dat had bedoeld.)
    valentines day = Valentine's day
    ore = or (als je dat had bedoeld.)

    en zo kan ik nog wat fouten vinden,

    Ik probeer niet bot te zijn, maar even zodat je het weet. Ik probeer opbouwende kritiek te geven.

    1 decennium geleden

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