Foto bij lockt up. and insane?

dit is chapter 2
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Cinderella, snow white and her prince had trickt me. Was now locked in a cage that took away my magic. Alone in this small room. I fell asleep. I woke back up in the early morning. In the corner I saw her standing. Belle. I blinked a few times with my eyes and she was gone. I felt around my neck they had taken her necklace. “where is my stuff.” I had screamed. This man came to me. “prince James and princess snow white have it all.” the man said. “there was a necklace under my possessions I want it back.” I said strongly. “i will have to ask prince James.” the guard said. “go ask I want it back.” an hour or so later he came back empty handed. “they wont give it to you they fear it holds magic that can get out out.” I shot at the bars. “i want it back tell the prince I wish to speak with him a parlay non of us will harm each other just talk.” I said. The guard nodded and left again.
I don’t know how much time passed but the guard came back accompanied by the prince. “i am listening.” he said as soon as he came in hearing distance of my cell. “ I want that necklace back, you of all people should understand.” I said. “and why would I?” “that ring snow is wearing you did almost anything to get it back.” I said to him trying to keep my temper in track. “why are they related?” charming asked me. “i told you I loved some one once.” I said hoping he would understand. “you also said she died.” James answered. “that doesn’t mean I cant have something that belonged to her.” the prince put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the necklace. “there is no magic in this?” he asked. “non but love I promise please.” I said almost desperate. “fine I trust you.” he said and handed it to me. “thank you.” I said and put the necklace back on my neck where it belonged. James left and I went back to just being alone in a cell. Years past by. I had not thought of her for the longest time. But I woke up one day to the sound of her voice. She said my name, I looked around but saw nothing ore no one. I was alone and losing my mind I was shore of it
a guard came my way. “what do you want?”i asked. They liked me as much as I liked them what was not much. They some times were nice to talk to but more than that quality my guards didn’t poses. “the queen wants to speak to you.” he said. “does she now?” I said trying to sound mean. “do you want to speak to her?” the guard asked. “no I have no desire to speak to her.” I said and went to the back of my cell. And again I was left alone. I guess I had fallen asleep I was woken up by shuffling sounds near my cell. “who is there?” I asked walking to the front of it. I saw a black hooded figure near the entrance of my cell. “who are you?” no answer. “tell me who are you? Normally I can read it in some ones mind but with you I cant some how who are you?” I asked. The figure got up and walked in to the light it was a women I saw by her silhouette. “show yourself.” I demanded. She reached inside of my cell doors and opened her hand. “the necklace you poses.” she said in a strange horse voice as is it was turned to make the identity of this person unknown. “no.” I said backing away. “why will you not give it?” the person asked again. “it isn’t yours, it belonged to Belle. It is the only thing I have left from her.” I said holding my hand over the pendant. “that’s all I wanted to hear.” she said she strangely sounded familiar. She dropped her hood and came even closer to the bars. “rumple I am so sorry.” she said. “Belle?” I said coming to the cell door. “no I am hallucinating you cant be here.” I said coming even closer. “why cant I be here?” she said. I kept blinking my eyes but she wouldn’t dis appear. She reached her hand in to my prison cell. I was hesitant to try and touch her for I was shore I had now lost my mind completely. She was dead she couldn’t be there. But the power of what I felt for her grew stronger than my hand and I reached out, half expecting to feel only bars ore the floor I took her hand. But in stead of what I expected I felt her fingers touch mine. “you’re alive?” I said to her walking up to the bars to see her as close as I could. “who ever told you other wise?” she asked. “Regina. but here,” I said taking of her necklace and placing it in her hand. “its yours.” I said trying to touch her face. “how did you get you’re self landed here?” she asked. “after letting you go i made one bad choice after the other, please come closer.” I said. She came closer to the bars her blue eyes sparkling. “so good to see you.” I said. “i hate to see you this way.” she said to me. “it doesn’t matter Belle, you are here now.” I said to her reaching trough my prison bars I managed to touch her cheek. “you were right.” I said. “about what?” she asked me. “i couldn’t believe, some one so beautiful and sweet like you could never care for me.” she smiled. “but I do.” she said coming as close to me as she could. “i wish I could get out of this Belle.” I said to her. “don’t trust him.” I heard snow say. “ he is trying to trick you to let him out.”snow said as she joined me and belle. “he cant love any one.” she said as she gotten next to Belle.
“that is not true.” I said to her. Belle turned to snow. “Let him out, he cant do much more now.” she said. “no I wont are you insane girl?” snow said. “don’t call her that.” I said in anger.
“Fine I understand you’re point of view majesty I do, so if you wont let him go. Lock me up with him.” Belle said. “No. Snow don’t let her do that.” I said. “why wont you let me join you?” she asked.“i don’t want you to be a captive like me.” I said to her stroking her brown hair. Snow looked at me. “don’t enchant her.” she said looking at me. “Come on you’re time is up.” she added looking at Belle. “I am sorry.” Belle said as she backed away from me. “Belle.” I said hoping she would hear me. “keep walking sweet heart he is no good.” snow said as they walked away. “Belle!.” I screamed again. I felt water being thrown in my face. I shot up in my prison bed. Was it a dream? “poor Rumpel was it a good dream about that Belle?” I heard Regina say. I felt around my neck and the necklace was still there it had indeed been a dream.”What do you want?” I said to her. “the dark curse of course.” she said. “i can give it to you in exchange for something.” I said. “you’re freedom I cant give you that snow and charming are holding you captive. “no I don’t want that, well actually I want it later on when you in powered the curse and I want to be better off, but to show me faith bring me something from my castle.” I said, “what do you want?” “i want a cup, but not just one its on a pedestal in my main hall its chipped.” she smiled. “and why do you want it?” she asked .” not your concern if you bring it to me I will give you the curse, for my freedom and a comfortable life in the new world I offer you instructions dearie.” I said looking at her. “do we have a deal?” she looked at me. The minutes past and I was shore she would say no. “deal.” she said to my surprise and she left.
A few days later she returned. “ is this want you want?” she said holding Belle,s chipped cup. “yes, give it to me.” I said. Regina laughed.” first the curse.” she said. I gave her a roll of parchment that contained the curse. And she finally gave me Belles cup. “the instructions.” she demand I reminded her of the other part of the deal and gave her the instructions. Soon I would be in this new world, soon I could forget about everything including the pain for belle,s passing. Soon I would be cursed myself in to forgetting whom I was and whom I loved here, it was a price I was willing to pay cause the pain I wanted to forget was more than most people here could bare.

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