Foto bij Hoofdstuk 44: Liam

I’m waiting. I can’t believe Zara is going to be here in a couple of minutes. ‘Do I look good?’ I ask Niall. ‘Yes, and your hair too before you ask.’ I walk in circles round the boys. ‘Liam, stop. She won’t come quicker if make us nervous. Just relax.’ ‘Here, eat something’, Niall says. ‘No, thanks. I can’t… ZARA!!!’ a perfect girl runs into my arms. I kiss her for a long time. ‘Liam, I missed you so much! I hated to be so far away.’ ‘Well, we go on tour after America’, Harry says. I give him a look full of hate. ‘Liam? Is that true?’ ‘Yes…’ She got tears in her eyes. ‘Zara, I don’t want to miss you for that time. So here it comes… Will you tour with me?’ ‘Yes, Liam. Of course I will.’ ‘Look the lovebirds. It’s like he asked to marry him’, Louis says. Then we all start laughing. And when the boys keep on laughing, I just take Zara in my arms and I never want to let her go anymore.


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