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spoiler alarm lees niet verder al sje niks van seizoen 2 van once upon a time wilt weten


i don’t know what happened. I am shore something did i opened my eyes to a man with brown eyes a black suit a strangely brown shawl half long brown hair he held me in his arms gently putting me on the floor screaming the name 'belle' to me “who is belle?” i asked him. “now you know how it feels crocodile.”an other mans voice said the man that was over me looked at his hand, there was blood on his hand. Than he looked back at me.”this can not be undone.” he said in an high pitch voice nearly having tears in his eyes. “well crocodile do you’re worst. He gently moved me over a red painted line i looked at this strange man that was so gentle to me, suddenly he held a fire ball in his hand “i think i will.” he said. At that point i haired a car honk. “no.” the man said and the fire ball dis appeared he grabbed me and rolled us both over the other man how aver was not so fortunate he was launched over the car and smashed to the floor .”who are you whats going on?” i asked in panic “shh, shh, shh beautiful belle.” i tried to move away from him but a sharp pain in my shoulder prevented me. “no.. no let me, let me ” he aid gently and held his hand over my shoulder the pain dissipated and so did the blood. “all better.” he said “how did you do that, i asked scared. “it,s nothing to be afraid off.” he said in the same gentle tone. i heard a siren “ belle please” the man said in a desperate voice at that point i saw a blond short haired man run to us. I managed o crawl away from the man. “what are you.” i asked “are you OK?” the blonde man asked i heard a muffled phone conversation and a women ran up to me the blond haired man helped the other man stand up”whats going on.?”the short haired man said. “she crossed over the line she doesn’t remember. The brown haired man that had strangely healed me said. The other women sat down beside me. I heard an other man talk to a long blond haired women. “hey beautiful i thought you didn’t notice. “ he said as she touched him he screamed out in pain.”you’re ribs are broken. “doesn’t matter people it only hurts when i laugh. “he said and he sat up. “did you see his face his one true love gone in an instance just like Milah crocodile.” the brown haired man walked over to the injured man on the floor that tried to stand up”when you took her from me.” he said i didn’t understand anything of this .”you took her first.” the brown haired man said as he kicked the injured man back on to the ground. “the blonde women stood next to the brown haired man. “ gold are you insane?” she asked “ yes i am.” he said as i assumed gold sat on top of the injured man and started to strangle him with his cane. “you cant do that.” the short blond haired man said. “i could if you let me go.” gold answered. “you don’t want her to see that.” the blonde lady calmly said to him. “ i am a stranger to her.” gold replied sounding slightly heart broken. “murder is a bad first impression.” she shot mack at him “what would belle want you to do.” the other man asked. At that point i heard more sirens and soon after i saw an ambulance. “over here.” the blonde man said. As the 3d women helped me up and walked me to the doctors even though i was still panicking. “him.. go take care of him.” the blonde women said as she pointed to the wrecked car. “he can wait.” she added pointing the the injured man on the ground.”there is some one in there. The blonde lady said. “i will be right back.” said the third lady as she let go of my arms. Now the blonde lady the third lady and the short haired man were next to each other. “do you know him?” the third lady asked “ never seen him before.” the blonde lady explained. “that’s cause he drove in to town.” the blonde man said with slight panic in his voice.
“from the other side?” the third lady said questioning. “seems like the world just came in to story brook” the blonde lady stated. As if that would make the world of sense. I was put in the police car the third women whom was wearing a Grey knitted hat sat down beside me the blonde women and the blonde man stepped in to the front seat. Saw the brown haired man step in to his own car to follow us. “are you alright.” the blonde haired women asked me. “ Emma please does she look like she is alright she is terrified. The women with the Grey hat said.”well seeing gold will do that.” the blonde haired man said trying to sound funny to defuse the tension. “that is not funny David, she is frantic and doesn’t need to be made even more scared of gold.” she said reprimanding the blonde man.”i am sorry Mary-Margret. Just trying to calm things down.” David answered. A short while later we were at a hospital i saw the man they called gold step out of his car just after we had.”i don’t know, i don’t know what happened.” i said frantic. The whole hospital was in uproar. The man in the car was wheeled in the hospital the women they had called Mary-Margret gently walked me in to the hospital. the injured man from the floor was also wheeled in next to him was Emma. “hide him find a room and hide him.” she said i saw gold come in with a short man with a black beard. “belle, whats happening.” gold asked friendly i looked at him he looked concerned truly concerned. David held his hand out to stop him. “ get him out of here.” David said . “Belle” gold screamed back at me. Who is this belle i wondered and why did he look so concerned at me. “Belle.” he screamed again. A doctor came to the scene”everybody calm down” he said. “Mr gold everything will be fine she is in good hands here, i promise.” i heard the doctor say. The panic that had formed in Mr golds eyes wasn’t gone but he was at least a little calmer. I was taken to a room by Mary Margret. The doctor came in not much later. “what do we know Snow?”he asked Mary Margret. I figured that was a nickname ore something.”she passed the town line she doesn’t remember a thing i think she was hurt but no need to look for that Mr gold took care of that.” she said. “yes its her that doesn’t surprise me in the least, us he'd charge for but her.” the doctor said. “wale come on he paid deeply for it he is a stranger to her cant he help take her pain away for that?” she asked. “you feel sorry for him after all he has done to you?” the young women nob bed. “he was better when he was with her he cares deeply for her.” she said. “never the less misses charming.” he said winking at her. “we will have to run some test blood test in case of ham-merging urine test to see if she is drugged ore drunk.” “drugged? Gold would never ever do that, but you cant now shes frantic.” i looked around me in panic where was i? The doctor grabbed my arm and injected me with something. I calmed down immediately i was taken to a changing room and put in a yellow gown and than was laid down in a bed. I was so exhausted i fell almost immediately in a deep sleep. I don’t know how long i slept bu i awoke from a soft sensation on my lips that felt like a kiss. It was gentle and full of passion and hope. i opened my eyes and saw Mr gold over me. I panic t and screamed for sweet life. Nurses ran in to hold me down on the bed . “ i am sorry.” i herd him say a moment i saw his eyes, sad and broken hearted they looked at me.”i am sorry.” he said again and walked out of my room. Again i was shot with sedatives. I i didn’t like it but they at least calmed me down, and i fell asleep again. After a while i woke up and ate something. An hour ore so later Mr gold was back. Holding a cup in his hand. He told me to concentrate on it and it would work “its just a cup.” i said. “its damaged.” i added to it. he called it my talisman, and said it was magic. “take it.” i said trying to push the cup back in his hand. ”just take it..” when he refused to take it from me i smashed the cup in to the wall. He looked at the shattered pieces than back at me. Deep seeded pain was shown in his eyes, as if with shattering the damaged cup i had shattered his heart as well. “ i am so sorry.” he said whispering and walked away. pausing at the remains of the smashed cup . A single tear formed in the corner of his eye but he whippet it away fast. Somehow i felt sorry for him. He had looked so shattered when i had broken that cup. I was so scared of ever thing i didn’t understand it all. Every body kept calling me belle. But that wasn’t my name. I was calm enough to leave my room and watch TV. Not long after i started channel surfing a Gothic looking women came in holding a basket. “you don’t remember me do you?”
she asked. I shook my head after a short conversation she gave me a book, i told her what i had seen and all she said was “wale said those sedatives make you loopy.” “i know what i saw.” i bit at her. “belle calm down.”i jumped up . “that is not my name.” i screamed. At that 3 nurses came in one carrying a syringe i tried to jump away from it. But 2 nurses grabbed me and the third nurse stuck the syringe in my leg and pushed the liquid in the syringe in my leg. I hated to feel that fuzzy. Hours later I woke up still feeling fuzzy . After a few days I got used to my little hospital room. Although I would love to go home. Where ever that was. David came in to my room wearing a gun halter.”don,t worry I wont shoot you, I am acting sheriff till my daughter returns home.” he said. “Emma is you’re daughter?” “i know I look to young to have a 28 year old, its a long story,” he explained.”where is Emma?”i asked him. “she is looking for some one with Mr gold.” I nodded. “that explains it.” I said softly.”explains what?”why he hasn’t been here.”David nodded “ he is taking you’re condition pretty hard I think he blames himself.”he said. “why would he blame himself?” I wondered loudly to myself.”he cared a great deal about you and that is what got you hurt in the first place and caused you’re amnesia.”i was confused and I think David saw that in my face.”the man that has shot you only did so to hurt Mr gold.” David exclaimed. “i understood that, “but hurting some one to faze an other seems a bit extreme.” I said. “that I agree on but it happened we can not change that,””why did Emma have to go with Mr gold?”i wondered loudly again. “that also is a long story.” he said hiding himself behind an answer no one dared to ask further on. “what he isn’t going to tell you, because he would bore you to death.”Emma said as she walked in the room, followed by Mr gold and a younger looking man. “is she oke?” Mr gold asked. ”she is is fine just needed heavy sedation till a few days ago, and you must be his son.” David said to the younger man. “Neal nice to meet you.” He said to David. “Nice to meet you I am.” David started to say but Neal in interrupted him. “David I know Emma told me a lot about you and you’re wife.” why would Emma tell a stranger about her parents I wondered. I dint get much time to ponder over it cause doctor wale stepped in to the room.”Getting a little cramped in here.” I said slightly panicked mostly this much people in a room meant bad news. “i will only take a minute, I 2 good news reports to make, you can go home.” he said. I jumped out of bed ready to go where ever home was.”Good I hate hospitals, no offense.”i said to the doctor .”non taken.” the doctor said.”and the second part of the good news?” Mr gold asked. “oh yes we did some tests and I am glad to tell you the baby is fine.” for a moment you could hear a pin drop. “belle did you hear me?” doctor wale said. “that is not..” I started saying but I was slowly blacking out at the same time. “my... name.” I said weakly. I must have been trembling cause I heard Mr gold say “Bea catch her.” a second later I felt some ones arms sporting me and I blacked out completely. When I woke up I expected to be in the hospital bed. In stead I looked up at Mr gold who was stoking my hair. I sat up slightly panicked. “please calm down I wont hurt you.” he said with honesty in his voice that calmed me down. “no even if he wanted to he couldn’t, he wouldn’t even dream of it.” Neal said.”Bealfire if you have nothing productive to say you could remain silence.” Mr gold bit at his son. “fine, duly noted never crack jokes at you’re dads girlfriend any more.”Neal spat back at him. “girl friend?” I said and I jumped up resulting in hitting my head on I guess a car roof and I fell back down.”happy now Bea, Are you oke?” Mr gold asked me. “no, I am not. i just found out I’m having a baby and he said I am you’re girlfriend its a lot to take in in one day.” I said feeling over whelmed. “smooth, suddelty was never you’re number one skill Neal.” Emma said from behind the wheel. “before we get in to that Emma you could at least have let me know you were having a kid so I didn’t have to do the whole lord father thing and say Henry I am you’re father.” Neal spat back. “After all you had done you,d think id take the time and find you from jail and go oh yeah Neal you ratted me out but guess what I’m having a kid and I’m giving it up.” Emma spat back. “Right could we all just take a breath ad calm down.”Mr gold said, I had to admit his Scottish ascent was kind of cute. “but She started it dad.” Neal said. “Bealfire it is not about who did ore did not start any thing things happened and in our lives they happen for a reason nothing is pot luck so lets take a deep breath and talk about this perhaps in my shop ore at my house, she needs some clean clothes and some rest, we have some caching up to do and Henry ha the Right to know his father better.” every thing that was said was spinning in my head making me extremely tired Emma called the younger man Neal but Mr gold called him Bealfire. I was supposedly Mr golds girlfriend probably carrying his child while Neal ore Bealfire was the father of Emma’s son and David and Mary-Margret were Emma,s parents and yet I still didn’t remember me being this Belle person, it was all to much to take in, I dint know why my head was throbbing more for hitting the car roof ore the boxes of in formation that were thrown at me. I decided to sit up and stop my ears. “could you all stop arguing.” I said. Mr gold put an arm around my Shoulder. “of course I am sorry, it must be all so much for you.” he sounded so sincere. I nodded. “Bea, Emma we all have unfinished business with each other but can we take that somewhere ells for belles sake?” he said with compassion in his voice. “you look so human again dad.” Neal/Bea said. “i am Somewhat human, like belle said to me before this all happened there is still good in me she saw it she said she always did.” Neal looked serious. “she changed you.” Mr gold nodded, “right dearie, where do you want to go?” he asked. “don’t I have a home?” I asked the others in the car. ”of course you do, you live next to the library you’re the care taker.” Mr gold said to me. “than please take me there.” I said, I needed to be alone to clear my head, it was all way to much for me .it would be to much for a week let alone one day.”you’re wish is my command my lady.” he said. “well actually its mine I’m driving.” Emma joked and winked in the mirror. After a few minutes I was at the library in my apparently home. It had much books in it a small TV a bed a table a stove a fire place that seemed out of place cause it wasn’t a very big apartment.”you’re home.” Mr gold said.
“thank you.” I replied to all of them. “if you want you could take care of the library you used to love to do that.” He said. I smiled weakly. He was trying so hard not to scare me .but the fact being I was most likely if his son was telling the truth carrying his child and I don’t even remember being with him. That alone already scared me. I thanked every one there and asked if they could leave me be for the rest of this day. I needed to rest more than I thought I had. As soon as they all left I went to lay down and not long after I fell asleep. I was woken up by a wild continues knocking on the library door. I looked at my alarm clock it signaled 9,30 in the morning. I had slept the night trough.
“yes calm down I am coming.” I said as I walked to the library door. When i opened it the man in front of it burst in. “yes?” I said trying to be polite. “Greg Mendel.” he said. “pleasure.” I said sarcastic.”you need to tell me what you saw that night lady.” he bit at me. “what I saw what night?” he came closer and closer to me. “ I think you know what I mean sister.” he said. “no Mr Mendel I actually don’t.” I bit back. “oh yes you do and you will tell me women ore so help me god I will make you talk.” he said. “Are you threatening me?” I asked trying to sound warningly. “it just might be, Tell me.” he said as he came even closer to me so close I had to take a few steps back. “i saw nothing.” I said. “that is not what you said to that ruby girl.” he said as he pinned me to the wall. ”i was confused I was under sedatives they can make you hallucinate.”he grabbed my shoulders and slammed me in to the wall. “tell me the truth.” he said angry. “i did let me go.” I begged. “no.” he said as he slammed me in to the wall again harder this time. I saw Mr gold and his son run in. “right you are going to let the lady go.” Mr gold said forcefully. “and if I don’t?” Mr Mendel asked. “lets just say that if you let the lady go right now I wont tear the flesh of you’re bones limb from limb.” Mr gold answered “i am still not letting her go.” Mr Mendel said. At that Mr gold launched at him pushing him in to the wall. Neal took my hand and lead me from the fighting. “you can stop him you know.” he said. “how?” I asked “just tell him to, and if he doesn’t listen call him Rumpelstiltskin trust me.” Neal a shored me. “no stop it please he doesn’t deserve it.” I said to Mr gold. “yes he does he tried to hurt you belle I will not have that, never.” again that name but I desired not to act upon it if they insist to call me belle I better get used to it. “no please don’t, stop.” I said again. “i wont allow this prick to hurt you, you mean to much to me.” he said angry. I desired to give the name Neal had said to me a try. “Rumpelstiltskin stop.” at that he dropper his arms and turned to me. “you remember?” he asked “no you’re son just told me to call you that if you didn’t want to calm down I am sorry.” “don’t be, you have no reason to be sorry.” Mr gold said obviously disappointed.. he turned back to Mr Mendel. “right I will let you go because she asks me to, but if I ever see you hurt her ore even near her again, I will rip you apart bit by bit do you understand me?”Mr gold bit at Mr Mendel. “Yeah I understand.”Mr Mendel answered.”leave.”Mr gold said strongly. At that the man left the library. “are you hurt?” Mr gold asked me. “i am fine.” I said. Mr gold softly grabbed my shoulder and chekt my back the clothing I was wearing had ripped at some point, but my skin didn’t feel damaged. “good.” he said and he gave me a phone. “if you ever get in trouble call me my number is saved in it so call me and I will protect you, I promise.”he said. “and what do you want for that protection?”i asked being suspicious of him. “nothing, I promise you I wont ask for a thing, I just value you’re safety I care about you.”he sounded and looked sincere. “oke, thank you.” I said as I took the phone from him. “how did you know that man was here?” I asked him. “simple, miss swan was at my place talking things out with my son when she got called I happened to over hear the conversation about some one being in trouble in the library.”i nodded Mr gold obviously was very protective of me. The months flew by after that, my stomach growing more and more each day it seemed due to the child in side of me, but my memory never returned I wondered often if it would ever return. I got to know the town folk more and making some friends, ore re making them. This women Regina seemed to take quit an interest in my baby, asking things like if id know what it was going to be what I would name it, if I suspected who the father was. She was often in the library with me for hours at a time, my apartment was already fully prepared for my child. I might not recall creating it but it didn’t mean I didn’t want this baby. I heard the library door close. “hello belle dear?” I heard Regina say, I adopted the name belle cause the entire town insisted on calling me that. I slowly made my way over to the library lobby I wasn’t fast any more these days. “hello Regina how can I help you today, does Henry need a new book?, I have amazing fairytale books considering he is so interested in those. He could even keep one if he wants to ”i said .”oh no dear you know he lives with his birth mother I wanted to talk to you about something.”she said with a strange smile on her face. “of course shoot.” I said. “about that baby of yours how do you intend razing it?” she asked me with the same strange smile on her face. “well just doing the best I can.” I answered. “give it to me belle I can take much better care of it.” she said . “no I want this baby.” I said a little angry “wrong answer.” Regina said angrily. “what do you mean Regina?” I asked alarmed, Mr gold had warned me about being careful around her. At that point Regina grabbed me. “let me go Regina.”i said strongly. “o I will belle after you gave birth to Rumpelstiltskin baby ill let you go over the town line so you will forget every thing all over again, making shore no one is around you when I do so you will wonder aimlessly trough the woods of story brook ore out side of it I don’t really care.”she said as she bound and gagged me, she forced me out the door after that. Pushing me in to her car and locking the doors. She got in to the drivers seat and speed away. I saw a glimpse of ruby as the car passed granny,s diner. Where would she take me? I didn’t know. Trying to free my hands to reach the phone Mr gold had given me didn’t work. We stopped at a cabin in the woods and she forced me out of the car, searching my pockets and boots before she forced me in side the cabin. She had taken Mr golds phone so I had no way of reaching any one for help. She tied me down on a single bed and laughed evilly. “according to Frankenstein, I am sorry Dr wale you can pop any day now, but don’t worry belle I will take good care of you’re baby, raising it my way.” she said. “and what way would that be Regina?” she cackled. “ well evil of course this kid is the product of true love as much as Emma swan if she is the savior for being raised good than this baby can be her Undoing for I will raise it to be evil, let it kill when its only a few years old, you see this baby will have magic cause it was created when magic came back in to the world and its father is more powerful than me, whit this kid I have weapon on hand.” she said “and in the end I can wipe the whole of story brook out including the kids parents and half brother so no one NO ONE will stand in the way of my happy ending.” she added to it laughing. The next few days she let me walk a few laps in the house and fed me disgusting foods let me drink water out of a straw in a glass. What was so special about the town line? I wondered. But a lot of time to ponder over it I didn’t get. At 5 in the morning I got woken up by a sharp pain in my stomach. A few minutes later it stopped a few hours later it came shooting back again and t that my water broke I knew it was time. Regina came in to my room. “well belle it seems to be time.” she said “you don’t get to call me that.” I screamed.
“suit yourself.”she said as an other painful contraction hit me. “ether way you will have to deliver that baby. It took me 10 pain filled hours but than she was there small and gorgeous my daughter Emily, she had a button nose, a small streak of brown hair and my bright blue eyes. Regina took her from me immediately and strapped her in to a carrier that she put in the car. After that she returned in side and forced me to get up .” I cant.” I said. She looked at me. “no perhaps its to soon I will let you rest.” she said. After a few days she came in to my room and forced me to stand up I was still a bit weak but I could walk. “where is Emily?” I asked. “ she wont be named that Belle.” she said. “ I told you not to call me that.” I said angry. “ I don’t care what you tell me.” Regina answered and forced me in to the car. Emily was strapped in to the front seat of it. Regina took the drivers seat and drove away. When we reached the outskirts of the town I thought I had seen a car hidden in the woods but I wasn’t shore. We stopped a few feet away from a sign that said Leaving story brook.
Regina forced me out of the car. Right before we reached the line I heard a familiar voice. “has it really come to this dearie?” Mr gold said. “come to what Gold?” she asked holding on to me. “destroying once again what I hold most dear.” he said as he slowly made his way to us. "It seems it has.” Regina said. “i will make you a deal.” Mr gold said. “i am not in for a deal.” Regina snapped. “this is one you want to make, like I once said before if both parties has something ore some one in this case the other wants a deal can always be struck.” he said calmly stopping a few inches away from us. “lets hear it, I am not saying ill take it but I'm willing to hear you out,” she said. “ I know she had the baby I can see that on her weak appearance, but luckily for you I am willing to give you my child in return for the safety of my dear belle.” I was stunned why would he make such a deal? Why would he even consider it. “no deal.” Regina said. “let belle stay safe you don’t need her.” he said trying to remain calm but I could see rage in his eyes. “but I would love nothing more than to destroy you.” Regina replied. “ belle?” Mr gold said looking at me. “that is not my name and both of you don’t have the right to call me that.” I snapped as best I could. “there you have it Rumpel no hope, so I guess you wont mind if I do this.” at that pint she pushed me to the town line nearly made me tumble over. “NO.” Mr gold screamed and than I was pushed over the red painted line. I saw a blue shine all around me and memories flowed back in to my mind, I was belle, I was his girl friend. I loved him so much. But also memories fro he fairytale world, how Regina had abducted and locket me up before and how I met my darling Rumpelstiltskin. The next thing I knew I was on the floor.
I slowly got up and saw Rumpel holding a ball of fire in his hand ready to trow at Regina. “you stole her from me again, I will kill you this time.” he screamed. “No stop.” I yelled as I made my way back over the line as fast as I could. “why would you care, you probably don’t even know who I am.” he said with pain in his voice I had never heard. “Rumpel she is not worth it listen to me, I told you before I see the good in you I always have, you didn’t kill hook cause of it.” the ball of fire dis appeared. “you remember?” he said turning at me. “yes I do please show me that you do to and don’t hurt her so we can pick up where we left of, and maybe, maybe even take Emily and raise her together to be good, to be as good as the good I see in side of you.” I said begging him. “belle.” was all he said as he made his way over to me. “i told you I would be here waiting when you returned, it turned out it took me a little while longer to wait but I did pleas Rumpel.” tears formed in his eyes as he came even closer. “oh beautiful belle I missed you so.” he said crying as he embraced me. “ I love you.” he added to it. At that moment I heard Regina's car pull up. “Emily!.” I screamed as I tried to run after the car but I was to weak and fell onto the ground. “o no you don’t.” Rumpelstiltskin said as purple smoke flew out of his hand to the car. When the smoke hit it, it was stopped dead in its tracks. “ she isn’t taking any part of you away fro me again.” he said with anger in his voice. “don’t hurt her.” I said begging. “ I wont I swear.” he said and helped me up. “i will hold her here you get the baby.” he said as he pushed me slowly towards the car. As fast as I could I made my way over to it and opened the door on the passengers side. Regina was frozen in her seat only being able to move her eyes. I saw panic in them as I took Emily out of the car. I walked back to Rumpel as I heard sirens come closer. Not long after I was once more back in the hospital. Rumpel came in to my room together with Bealfire. “you two haven't properly been introduced my dear.” Rumpel said. “Bealfire ore Neal what ever you prefer belle, my darling belle, my son.”he said with pride in his voice “pleasure bea.” I said smiling. Rumpel sat down on my bed. “nice to re meet you.” Bealfire said winking at me. “hold on bea don’t flirt with her shes mine.” his father said jokingly poking him with his cane. “ has he seen his sister?” I asked. “all taken care off I had to show her off to some one. “ Rumpel said. “ is she oke?” I asked. “she is fine she is sleeping what will probably be the last time in a while.” he said as he reached in to his pocket. “i know I should do this differently but I cant kneel but.” he said as he showed me a ring box. “belle, my darling beautiful belle, will you marry me?” he asked as he opened the ring case, inside of it was the most amazing diamond ring I had ever seen. I guess he saw my gaze at it. “something I picked up in Manhattan Storybrook doesn’t have the ring that matches what you mean to me.” he said. I smiled. “of course I will marry you, after all we been trough back home here any where really.” I said. He slipped the ring on my left ring finger and kissed me. “ you know the last time I did that you started screaming.” he said. “ I could still do that if you really want to.” I shot back teasing.”please don’t.” Bealfire said.”i can hardly handle Emma let alone you.” he said. “about that how do you know Emma?” I asked wondering as I crawled in to Rumpel's loving embrace. “well.” he started. “i seem to be.” he continued pausing after every word. “Henry,s father.” my jaw dropped from shock. “ you mean Henry is you’re son, my daughter is his aunt?” I said shocked. “yes.” bea said uncomfortable. “well congratulations finding that out bea he is a great kid,” I said. “ that he is and maybe if we settle every ones differences we can finally be a happy human family.” rumple said and all I can do is agree to that this truly seems to be my happily ever after.

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