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spoiler allarm!!! kijk je de serie en wil je nog niks weten van seizoen 2 lees niet verder


A young brown haired girl with dazzling blue eyes stepped out of a dressing booth in her hospital room. She was dressed in a dark red coat under it a black floral shirt a sand brown plated skirt a black legging and black ankle high heeled boots, she didn't recollect owning these clothes but they fit her perfectly. Her life had been a treadmill, she had lost her memory so they say, she had his strange man kiss her. She had to admit she didn’t mind that part it just freaked her out. This man asking her what shed seen. People telling her they were her friends ore at least spend time with her, it was a whirl wind of information, at least she was off home now. Where ever hat might be. A short haired man with one hand looking a bit piraty came to her. “ Well love seems to me you’re all healed.” He had said. “My body at least doctor something i forgot his name is going to try and retrieve my memories.” She answered.” “Doctor Hopper?” He asked smiling. ”Yes, that was his name.” The man smiled again. “Well love where are you off to?” He asked her still holding the smile. “Oh i don’t know, i don’t even know where my home is.” She said looking puzzled.” The man gave her his hand. “Killian Jones love, ore like others call me hook what is shamefully missing at the current moment.” She laughed. “Nice to meet you mister hook.” She said smiling at him. “You’re accent is pretty cute, want something to drink love?” He asked her bowing and waving his arm gallantly to the road. “I would love to sir.” She said and stepped in front if him. “Come to think of it Mr Jones i know nothing of this town.” “No matter love i will lead the way, may i inquire you’re name?” Killian said to her. “Of course sir, Evana, Evana french.” She said smiling at him. Evana liked his eyes a lot although they did seem to hide something, no she probably was imagining it. What would he have to hide from her? She was a blank slate, all she remembered was her name nothing more, not her friends not that man that had kissed her. And definitely not this charming pirate. He was limping and holding his arm to his body the one he missed a hand on.”Are you alright?” Evana asked him. “I’ll live love don’t worry about that.” He said to her. “What happened?” She wondered walking next to him. “Oh just an..” He started to say but stopped his blue Grey eyes turned a shade darker it seemed. “Just an what? You can tell me Killian.” He looked at her thinking about what he would say to this girl. This girl that had apparently not remembered him shooting her when she was about to kiss her true love goodbye, her true love being his enemy, the sole reason he had shot her over that town line to wipe her entire memory. To hurt him. Now he had an other dark little plan that did not involve hurting this young women. At least not fiscally. “I was hit Evana, not in a accidental way this man wanted to kill me.” She looked at him with her Blue eyes filled with compassion. “Why would any one want to hurt you on the main land?” Killian looked at Evana from whom her real name was Belle. What would he say now to make her hate his foe. Her true love, Rumplestilskin? He didn't know. “I took something from him a long time ago he tried to take it back but it was lost.” He said. “Was that you’re fault? That it was lost I mean.” Evana asked. “No it was his own, but in so doing he made me want revenge.” Evana looked a bit scared. “Revenge is not the answer.” She said. He knew it now he could pin her being hurt on him, trying to make himself look like the hero and his way in to her heart would be opened. All he needed to do was pretend he loved her long enough for that crocodile as he called his foe to return and see her love him, it would break his heart for ever. What could potentially be better than killing him.”Yes when I realized that and wanted to beg for trues he had you captive. “Where do I fit in all this?” She had asked confused. Good he thought this way she wold believe anything as long as it would end her confusion all he had to do was Keep her out of the way of her friends that could tell her the truth just until Rumpelstiltskin returned. “I don’t know love, I think he just likes hurting pretty women such as you're self, he hurt you and made you forget it. I saved you before he could. kill you and than he ran me over with his car” He said weaving his story as he was spinning thread on a spinning wheel. “You Saved me?” Evana asked. “What do you remember of that faith full night Evana. “Nothing just waking up in the hospital after I felt a gentle kiss on my lips and when I woke up I saw this strange man over me.” Killian stopped. “That must have been him, he will do any thing to hurt you.” Evana looked unbelieving at him. “It didn't feel like he would want to hurt me it felt gentle. Killian started walking again towards the Library. “You're home love.” He said opening the library door. He smiled at the memories of how he had tricked her in the elevator and went to the store of his foe to steal his priced posession. “What are you smiling about?” Evana asked. “Huh what?.Oh nothing just good memories.” He said to her leading her to a small apartment in the back of the library. “I live here?” She asked. “Yes love you do.” Killian had said. “Shall I pour you a drink ay?” Evana giggled. “Yes please if you know where to find it, I shore don’t.” Killian smiled and looked around spotting every thing he needed so it looked as if he had been there many times before. “Of course.” he said and he grabbed everything he needed. The first move was made . He thought now getting her to fall for me and the game can begin. He had to move fast it would be a mere matter of time before Rumple would return. He sat down next to her and gave her a glass of something called Cola. “Thank you.” Evana said. She smiled at him. A few weeks passed and Killian visited her every night. He knew he was close she liked him. He could tell. Rumpel only needed to stay away a little while longer and than his revenge would be complete. It wouldn’t be true love like with milah cause he did not love Belle. In fact he couldn’t think of one single thing that he liked in her except that he could use her to hurt Rumpelstiltskin. She had trusted him with her deepest thoughts and dreams of things he knew were memories. He had listened to them and told her it would all be fine it would get easier. He understood what Rumpel had seen in his Milah but why did he love this girl? What in creation did he see in her. Yes she had a nice ascent and beautiful blue eyes but Milah was more pirate.
A car drove past a red painted town line in it 4 people. A young blond haired women, a young dark haired male an older dark haired male and a young boy with the same dark hair but the Grey eyes of the blonde women.”Welcome to storybrook Bea.” the older man said. He stepped on the gas a little more. How he longed to see her. Her beautiful blue eyes her smile her chestnut long curled hair everything in her he longed to see, she might not remember him bu he could change that at least try and start of being friends again. Yes that was a good start being friends with belle again, hoping from friendship it could grow to love again. “its different from the city.” The young man said. “This place holds memories for me Bea, and a lot more.”he said. “It holds Belle.” the young boy said. “Now Henry did you have to share my deep dark secret?” He said teasing the boy. “Who is Belle Henry?” Bea asked. “Well dad, his girlfriend,ore isn’t she that any more Mr gold.” The older man sighted. “No Henry she is not any more.” “Doesn’t that, hurt?”Henry asked Mr gold. He looked at the young boy from his rear view mirror. “Oh yes, yes terribly, but it is what it is.” he said pulling up in a parking lot by his shop. “But dad, you had a girlfriend?”Bea said smirking. “Yes Bea I had.” Mr gold said, he really didn’t want to get in to it he just wanted to drop his new found family of and go see her. “Right Bea I know you have no where to stay my house is quite big if you want you can have a room, ore at granny’s, you’re decision, miss swan you can take Henry and go home, you’re death to me is settled.” he said looking in the direction of the library. “What are you going to do?” Henry asked. “You have you’re fathers curiosity I give you that.” He said proud to the boy. “You’re going to see her aren’t you?” The women asked him. “Yes.” Mr gold said. “Just to try and be her friend.” she looked him in the eyes and saw the sorrow and pain in them. “That is a good start.” she said. Mr gold smiled “I just want to see her.” he said. “ I know, I understand trust me I do.” she said looking at Bea. “Just be careful, don’t scare her again.” she said. Mr gold nodded and left the car. “He has it bad, I thought after my mother.” “He wouldn’t find love again?” Ms swan answered Bea.s unasked question. “Yeah who could ever love The dark one?” Bea answered. “Belle.” was all Henry answered. Mr gold walked up to the library where his Belle lived. When he reached it he saw hook stand in side it with her. If he was planning to hurt her he had an other thing coming. He thought to himself. He saw the mans hand touch her cheek and slowly pulling her face to his, soon after he kissed her. Feeling like his heart had shattered in to a million little pieces he felt the air being sucked from his lungs. Belle his Belle just kissed the one man he hated, the man that had caused her memory loss. She fell in love with him, Just as Bea's mother had before her. The cane he used to walk with seemed to be made of pudding he sat down on the floor. Not being able to breath. Why did this man have to take everything he loved away from him. First Milah and now Belle. His precious Belle. He decided to knock on the door pretending he had seen nothing. “ill get it Evana.” Hook said after he had knocked on the door. So she called herself Evana. He thought. The door opened. “Well hello Mr gold.” The man said. Mr gold hated him now even more what was fine by Killian his kiss had the preferred impact. He had seen his foe Rumpelstiltskin collapse on to the floor heart broken now drag it on a little longer for better effect on his so called heart. “Come on in.” Evana came to him. “Hello sir.” she said remembering it was him that had kissed her. “Hello.” he said uncomfortable. “About what happened I am sorry.” He said offering his hand. Evana shook it and said “We were all rattled lets just forget it.” Rumpelstiltskin smiled. He could never feel bad when she looked at him with her bright blue eyes.”Listen.” he said to her. “If he ever hurt you, come to me, ill be there for you.” he said to Belle. She smiled and gave him a friendly hug. Shivering slightly of her touch he tried to make this friendship hug last as long as he could. Smelling her clean chestnut hair. “Thank you, but I will be fine.” Rumpelstiltskin nodded. “Just know if you ever need to, I am here.” He said smiling. Turning away from her never felt more painful to him. Had he truly lost her forever now? It had hurt him far less when he had thought she had died. He excepted he had lost her and that it was his own doing. He had chased her away from him scared to lose his power, but this was far worse. He could run in to her in town see her bright blue eyes hear her voice, be reminded every day of the love he had once again lost to that Pirate. He walked away not allowing himself to cry. When he reached his shop he found Bea, Henry and Ms swan in there caching up. “Gold are you ok?” the women asked. “I cant say that I am Emma.” he said to her. “Dad whats wrong?” Bea asked as he walked to his father. “Hook.” was all he could say before he collapse on to a couch with tears in his eyes. “What about him?” Emma asked. “Henry get you’re grandpa a glass of water.” Bea said. “No I am fine.” Rumpelstiltskin said. “no you are not the last time I seen you cry was when I was called to the front.” Bea said. “Hook took her from me.”Henry sat down next to him. “Did he kill her?” he asked. “No, no Henry he just made sure she will never be mine again.” Bea looked at his father with compassion he had not felt in a long time. “I am sorry dad that must her seeing her in his arms after mom and all.” He said. “I loved Milah Bea, but never as much as I love Belle.” Bea nodded. “I noticed.” a few weeks went by and every day he saw Belle walk trough town hand in hand with his enemy. It hurt him so bad that after a while he just left his curtains down until one day he heard the little bell of his shop door chime. Followed by sobbing sounds. “Can I help you?” He had said turning around to a crying Belle. “Belle!,Evana I am sorry, What is wrong?” he said walking as fast as he could towards her. “Sit down Sweet heart.” He said holding his hand out to a couch near her. She sat down crying. “Tell me, whats wrong?” He asked again sitting down beside her. “He..” She said between sobs. “What he?”he asked a little more force full than he meant. “I over heard him and this women talking, All killian said when this women asked him if he had truly found love in me was, no I don’t know when he sees in her.” She said. Rage building in Rumpelstiltskin’s head and heart but he stayed where he was listening to his one True love. “when she asked him if he was using me.” she said in between more sobs. “all he said was, yes she was a convenient way to get to him, he used me.” she said starting to cry louder. Rage was now almost blinding him but the crying girl next to him prevented him from going after Hook, If he really loved her he could have forgiven him most things he had done for her sake. But he was using her, using her to get to him. He slowly reached his arm around her shoulder and pulled her in to his embrace. “shh, shh beautiful Belle.” he whispered hardly audible. “Its ok, I am here.” he said louder. “Shh Evana, its hiss loss.” He said stroking her dark brown hair. So close she was, and yet so far away. “Why do you say that?” Evana asked. “You are a gorgeous sweet girl, you deserve love not this. Him using you is his loss sweet heart.” he said. She pulled herself away from his embrace. “I am sorry I shouldn’t have come.” She said still crying her eyes out. “That's nonsense I told you that if he ever hurt you to come to me.” he said swallowing deeply. “I am you’re friend.” he said. The word 'friend' Feeling like a dagger in his heart. “Clean you’re self up in the back I have a bath room and shower if you need it. I will be back.” He said pointing to the curtain that hid the office and bathroom from the front of the shop. As soon as she dis appeared behind it he went out of the door. Hook would not get away with hurting his Belle. After a short walk trough town he had found him in Granny,s diner. “You.” was all he said. Hook looked at him. “Rumpelstiltskin to what do I owe the displeasure?” Hook asked. “you used Belle.” he said walking up to him. “Yeah and?” Hook said. His word shaving the impact he had hoped. “Step outside please, I don’t want this place to get tarnished.” Hook reacted to him by getting up and following him. “Well Crocodile, she was a nice little piece of bait to get to you.” he said. Those words hit like oil hit flames. Rumpelstiltskin launched to wards him pushing him to the floor. “You cause her. Her memories wasn’t that enough. She made me spare you’re life and thesis how you repay her?” he said in anger he knew he had in him but had held in for Belle. He kicked the man on the floor as hard as he could. Minutes past and words and kicks and punches were given. Belle came running to them. “Stop don’t.” She said to them. Hook came to her. “You don’t hold as much punch over him Evana, not as much as you did when you were Belle, so I guess you’re useless.” he said as he pushed her on the ground. Belle fell down hitting her head on a stone knocking her out blood was slowly spilling out of a wound that was caused by the fall. At that Rumpelstiltskin kicked Killian hard on his knees causing him to fall on the floor. As Killian was laying down Rumpelstiltskin placed his cane onto his trough. “She wouldn’t want me to kill you, so I wont for belle. But if you know what is good for you, you take you’re ship and sail away.” he said releasing the pressure on his cane and kicking Hook in the face causing him to black out. He walked to Belle whom was still unconscious on the road. He checked her pulse she had a heart beat and she was breathing so. Thank fully Hook had not killed her. He know carrying her would result in not having his cane for support but he had to try it. He lifted her of the floor ever so gently. Trying to keep supporting himself he slowly made his way to his shop. Laying her gently down onto the sofa in his office. He checked her wound and healed it with his powers. “If only you’re memory was that easy.” he said. He kissed her quickly. “I am sorry Belle I just had to.” he said stroking her hair. As tears formed in his eyes. A single tear dropped on to her face as he forgot to wipe them away. She started stirring and opened her eyes. “Are you alright Evana?” He asked her. “Who is Evana?” She asked. No not again he begged silently. “Aren’t you?” he asked. “Maybe but you know Rumpel I prefer Belle.” she said sitting up and pulling him in to her embrace. Cliche as it was that stone had caused her memory to flow back in to her head. Remembering how much this man had meant to her, her entire world he meant to her. “Belle.” was all he could say trembling by her touch. “Are you truly my Belle, my beautiful Belle?” he asked touching her cheek with one hand as he held her arm length from him just to be able to look at her. She nodded. The bell of the shop rang again. But he didn’t care he had his Belle. So he didn’t pay attention. “I think I should come back an other moment.”Bea said. Rumpelstiltskin got up. “No, No of course not.” He said helping Belle up and pulling her close to him. “Belle may I introduce to you, my son Bealfire.” Belle smiled as she shook the young man,s hand. “You found him.” she said. “Yes, and Bea this is Belle.” he said introducing the women he loved to his son. “With the passion you said that dad I don’t even have to wonder what she means to you, nice to meet you Belle.” Bealfire said shaking her hand. “ No nice to meet you, you’re father has been looking for you for ever.” she said looking at Rumpelstiltskin “Are you happy now?” she asked him. He smiled and kissed her passionately. “I am now I have both of you back, I just hope Hook will take my advise and never come back.” he said. “Hook?” Bealfire said. “He better dad ore I will give him the piece of my mind he has had coming for ages.” Bea said. “ I am not even going to ask.” Rumpelstiltskin said as he pulled his Belle even closer. “I don’t need nor want to know, I have both of you now. That is all I will ever need.”

Reageer (1)

  • Fennec

    Good story. I love the way you write and the emotions you use. Feels so real.
    Only the lay-out could be a bit more handy, if you used more enters. Also, chaptures don't have to be whole chapters, I usually make them to pages, just to keep track of where I am. I red you had dyslectia, no problem, you can always use a beta reader =) just a few small tips to make it easier to read.

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