Het volgende zal pas maandag 18/02 zijn! ik ga op skireis! Sorry dat het zo kort is :( Xx

‘Good morning sunshine, you awake just at time. We’re at the airport.’ ‘Oh no, why didn’t you wake me? Our last hours together and I slept’, she panics. ‘Zara, don’t worry. It’s okay and you were so cute. I didn’t want to wake you.’ ‘What did you do all the time?’ ‘I talked a bit with your mother. About you.’ ‘About me? What’s important about me to talk about?’ ‘A lot’, I say before we move on. I check in and have to wait 10 more minutes. ‘Liam? What did my mother say about me?’ ‘Zara, our last 10 minutes and you ask me something we can say on Skype.’ ‘Sorry’, she hugs me. I kiss her. I say goodbye to Karolien, kiss Zara for the last time and walk away. I hear Zara crying. Not much but enough to break me. I don’t want to leave her. But we have to go to America.

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