Is er eigenlijk nog iemand die mijn story leest? Of schrijf ik voor de muren? :(

Ik voer Liam naar het vliegveld. Zara ligt in zijn armen nog wat te slapen. Het is 2 uur rijden en het is 6 uur ’s ochtends. ‘So Liam, enjoyed your stay?’ ‘Yes, you’re really thanked.’ ‘No problem son.’ ‘You have an amazing daughter, Karolien.’ ‘I know. She’s one out the thousand.’ ‘I’m going to miss her.’ ‘I promise she comes to you when she haves vacation.’ ‘Thank you, that would be wonderful.’ ‘She’s going to miss you too, Liam. After her father died, our relationship’s stronger. She says everything to me. I can see when she cares about someone. When she dated Joren she was happy. But now she’s with you, she’s shining and I love to see her happy. She cares more about you than about Sanne. She even cares more about you than about Luna.’ ‘Luna?’ ‘Did she never said something about Luna?’ ‘No.’ ‘Luna was her best friend. Before Sanne. They met each other when they were 5 years old. They grow up like sisters. When they were 14 years old, they went shopping. On their way back, a car hit them. Zara survived it, but Luna didn’t. Zara didn’t talked for months. Not in school, not to me. She locked herself in her room. One day she came to me and started talking. She said everything, what she thought and remembered. When she was done, she moved on. Like nothing happened. Then she met Sanne.’ ‘Ow.. First her dad and then Luna?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Poor Zara. ’ ‘Yes, I know. There’s one moment I’m never going to forget.’ ‘Which?’ ‘Her 16th birthday.’ ‘What happened?’ ‘Well, Sanne and she went to a wellness. When she was there she met a girl. First she didn’t recognize Lola, but suddenly she did. Lola is Luna’s older sister. Lola had a present for Zara. From Luna. Zara didn’t know Luna had cancer. So if she didn’t died in the accident, she would die at that. Luna knew it would be before her 15th birthday. So she made a video for Zara. She gave it to her sister en told her to give it to Zara on her Sweet Sixteen. It’s a video of their prettiest moments and a personal remember about Luna.’ ‘She was really happy I guess?’ ‘Yes, when you ask her about her best moment ever, she always replies: Luna’s birthday gift.’ We arriveren op het vliegveld . Net als Zara wakker wordt.

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  • AnkePayne

    ik lees je verhaal :)

    1 decennium geleden

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