Lira, I think it’s cute. Those directioners are so creative. I search my phone and look on Twitter. I tweet something: @Zara-DB I’m going to miss you. When she sees my tweet, she gives me a kiss. ‘I’m going to miss you too’, she says. Then her mother says diner is ready. Our last meal together. Then I have to go to America for 3 months. We talk and laugh. But I see that her mother is worried. ‘Something wrong, Karolien?’ I ask her. ‘It’s not important, Liam.’ ‘Mom? What’s wrong?’ ‘Zara, don’t worry. It’s just… I think I’m going to miss Liam too.’ ‘I’m going to miss you too, Karolien. And thank you for everything.’ ‘No problem, I have to thank you. You made my little girl happy again.’ I laugh. Zara looks at me. ‘It’s true Liam. Everything’s okay because of you.’ I smile and start eating again. For our last night together, we play a game. Zara, Karolien and me. I never asked about her dad. ‘Zara, I never met your dad.’ I see in Karoliens eyes I said something wrong. ‘He…’, is all Zara says. ‘He died when she was 7 years old.’ ‘I’m sorry’ ‘It’s nothing, Liam. You didn’t know’, Karolien says. Zara got tears in her eyes. ‘Babe.. Come here.’ I open my arms and she comes to me. I hold her, when she starts to cry. ‘You know, Liam. It’s the first time she cries about her dad.’ ‘What? It’s 10 years ago.’ ‘She never want to believe me, she said he would come back for her. They were really close. So close that I was jealous. She waited 5 years for him. On her 12th birthday she asked me if he was gone. When I said yes, she just moved on. We never talked about him since that day. Till now…’ ‘Oh.. I’m really sorry.’ ‘No Liam, it’s good. I worried and talked with some people about it. They say that there have to be a moment she cries about him. And I think because you asked for, a person she really loves, she broke. It would happen another time if you didn’t asked.’ ‘Zara? Are you okay?’ ‘Yes. Like my mom said, it was just the moment. I have to move on. It’s 10 years ago…’ She gets up, goes to her places and goes on with the game.

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