Foto bij Hoofdstuk 29: Liam

I hope Zara did what she said. She doesn’t realize how important school is. I have a plan! I just have to ask the lads and the management. They all agree. It’s 6 pm, so I take the computer. She’s online.

• Hi Zara, how are you now?
- Hi Liam. It’s a bit better now. Certainly now I see you.
• I’ve got a surprise.
- For me?
• Yes!
- What is it?
• If I say it, it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore.
- How do you want to give it to me?
• I don’t know. I will see.
- Okay, what did you do today?
• An interview for a magazine and have some fun with the guys.
- Cool. Where are you? Not in a normal room, I guess.
• Eh.. No, but I have to go, bye.
- Liam?
• Bye Zara.

And I stop the conversation. I hate it to end a conversation like that, but she may not know what I’m going to do.

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