Foto bij Hoofdstuk 27: Liam

I’m so happy that I talked to Zara. I send her a message.

‘Enjoy your meal! Liam x’

I hope we see each other soon. But as long as we can call or skype, I’m happy too.

‘Thank you. You too or do you not have to eat? Zara x’

Just when I read the message, Zayn calls. ‘Liam! Diner!’ I laugh. And send a message back before I go to the kitchen.

‘Yes, right now. Liam x’

When I enter the kitchen, all the boys look at me. ‘Do I wear something wrong or am I just so beautiful?’ ‘No,’ Niall says, ’you’re shining and happy.’ ‘Yeah, thank you for that, bro.’ ‘You’re welcome.’

Its Monday 10:30 am.

‘Hi Zara! How are you? Skype tonight? Liam x’

Reageer (1)

  • AnkePayne

    ooow niall is echt een schatje om liam terug te doen lachen :)

    1 decennium geleden

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