Al 2 weken voorbij en nog steeds heb ik spijt van dat briefje. De deurbel gaat. Mijn ma doet open terwijl ik tv blijf kijken. Ik hoor ze Engels praten en dan roept ze mij. Als ik aan de deur kom zie ik Niall. Ik trek hem vlug naar binnen, want moest iemand hem zien staat heel België aan mijn deur. ‘What do you do here?’ vraag ik achter dat ik hem een knuffel geef. ‘Why didn’t you call Liam yet?’ ‘I lost his number.’ ‘I knew it! So you wanted to call him?’ ‘Yes, of course.’ ‘Good. He’s sad because you didn’t call yet. And I decide to search you. I’m glad I found you. Here’s Liam’s number, but I have to go. We’re giving concerts in the countries around Belgium, so I don’t have much time.’ ‘You came to Belgium just to give me Liam’s number?’ ‘Yeah, actually it sounds ridiculous, but..’ ‘It sounds ridiculous. Serious? O my god Niall!’ ‘I have to go, bye’ Amai, dat had ik nooit gedacht. Maar ik heb nu wel Liam’s nummer. Dus ik bel hem meteen op.

- Hi Liam? It’s Zara.
• Zara? Oh! How are you?
- I’m good. And you?
• I’m so happy you finally called!
- Sorry. I’ve lost your number…
• But how? You call me, but you lost my number?
- Niall gives it again. He was here. 5 minutes ago.
• I thought Niall was in his room…
- He’s not. I’ve a question for you. I wanted to know 2 weeks ago but… why did you sing that song for me?
• Just because I wanted to thank you.
- Thank me where for?
• For trusting me and giving about me… You’re not like other fans, Zara.
- Okay. I’ve to go. Do you have Skype?
• Yes. And you?
- Yes. My name is ZaraDB
• DB?
- First letters of my last name. De Boucke.
• Okay. 6 pm?
- Okay. But is it the same time?
• Yes. It’s 1:30 pm here.
- Here too. See you tonight.
• Bye.

‘Wat was dat nu allemaal?’ vraagt mijn ma. ‘Wel, die jongen aan de deur was Niall Horan van One Direction en die kwam omdat ik niet naar Liam belde. Maar ik was zijn nummer kwijt en nu heb ik het weer en nu heb ik gebeld naar hem en vanavond gaan we skypen.’ ‘Daar heb ik nu niets van verstaan, maar ik ben blij voor jou.’

Nog 5 minuten! Ik heb mijn laptop al opgestart en zit nu te wachten. Plots krijg ik een vriendschapsverzoek. Van Liam.

• Hi Zara! How are you?
- Hi! I’m good and you?
• I’m good too. Glad I see you.
- It’s better than the phone.
• But I prefer to meet you in person.
- Me too. But how are things going there?
• Good. Concerts and interviews all over again. All the time the same questions.
- What kind of questions?
• How is the tour? How are the fans? is there a person you miss? What kind of girl do you want?
- And what do you answer? Always the same?
• Yes! But I love the fans so if it makes them happy, I’ll do it every day!
- Awe. Cute.
• Did you call me cute? Or just what I said?
- Both…
• Haha. And by you? What’s going on in Belgium?
- Nothing. Some girls who want to be my friend because they think that will bring them to you.
• They don’t know we talk each other, right?
- No, I said them we don’t have contact.
• Okay, keep saying that please.
- Okay, it’s best for me too I think. I don’t want whole Belgium at my house.
• Good idea.
- Who’s talking in the background?
• Harry and Louis.
- Say hi to them from me.
• You can say it yourself.
- Okay.
• Harry! Louis! Come over here!
o Yeah Liam. I recognize that girl…
• That girl is Zara from Belgium, Louis.
- Hi!
o Hi Zara. Glad you made Liam happy again. He was sad about you.
• Louis, you have to go now!
- No problem Louis. I just lost his number.
• Louis, you really have to go.
o But you said me to come! Harry can’t come now, he’s in the shower right now.
- I just want to say hi. That’s way he called you.
o Okay. Bye then.
• That guy will never change.
- Were you that sad? That I didn’t call?
• Just a little bit. It’s just fun with you.
- You talked half a hour with me.
• It was enough to know that you’re special.
- Eh…
• You’re blushing.
- Oh no.
• No problem. It’s cute.
- Thanks, I guess.
• It’s just the truth.

‘Zara!’ roept mijn ma van onderaan de trap. ‘Ja?’ ‘Ik weet dat je met die jongen skypt en ik ben blij voor je, maar nu is het genoeg geweest. En we gaan over tien minuutjes eten!’ ‘Ok, mama.’

• Who was that?
- My mum.
• I didn’t understand a single word.
- She said that I have to go downstairs. Diner is ready.
• Hope I see you soon.
- It’s a promise. Bye.
• Bye Zara.

Op dit moment is alles perfect! Een beste vriendin zou niet mis zijn, maar voor de rest had ik alles was elke directioner zich momenteel wenst.

Reageer (1)

  • AnkePayne

    ooooooooooooow :)

    1 decennium geleden

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